Serel Channah's Adoption Agency
Hello and welcome to Serel Channah's Adoption Agency! Please take your time to fill out the following form please.
Your Family
SO1: (age)
SO2: (age)
Children: (names and ages)
Pets: (names and species)
Info about your family
Where do you live? (Country or State)
What language do you primarily speak at home?
About the child...
How many children would you like? (max: 5)
What gender(s)?
What age(s)? (1-18)
Any prefered countries?
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language?
Would you like...
Your Family
SO1: (age)
SO2: (age)
Children: (names and ages)
Pets: (names and species)
Info about your family
Where do you live? (Country or State)
What language do you primarily speak at home?
About the child...
How many children would you like? (max: 5)
What gender(s)?
What age(s)? (1-18)
Any prefered countries?
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language?
Would you like...
Your Family
LN: Greywood
SO1: Daniel Aldric (35)
SO2: Lillian Rose (34)
Winter Annora (15)
Victor Dominic (16)
Kathryn Ariel (16)
We also have Lillian's younger brother, Lucas, who is mentally challenged, living here. He's 29.
Anificus, snake.
Spock, Seven, Data, and Tuvok, cats
Adonis (chocolate male), Alcyone (yellow female), and Ariadne (black female), Labrador Retrievers
Info about your family
Where do you live? USA, WV
What language do you primarily speak at home? English, some Spanish. We also know Native American sign language and some American sign language.
About the child...
How many children would you like? Three.
What gender(s)? Two male, one female.
What age(s)? 15 or 16
Any prefered countries? The males, from the USA. The female, from Cuba.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? No, only the languages listed above.
Would you like...
--Siblings? The males can be.
--Multiples? The males can be.
----Twins? The males can be.
----Triplets? No
----Quadruplets? No
----Quintuplets? No
We would like the boys to have been emotionally, physically, and/or sexually abused, and the girl to be rather tomboy-ish, if possible. Please, no physical or mental disabilities, but behavior problems are fine. In fact, we would like to take hard cases. Victor and Kathryn were; actually, Daniel was himself.
And finally, please pick names that fit with our family for the boys, and please, please, please do not name the girl Maria, Juanita, or anything like that. Be creative, please.
These are our children:

LN: Greywood
SO1: Daniel Aldric (35)
SO2: Lillian Rose (34)
Winter Annora (15)
Victor Dominic (16)
Kathryn Ariel (16)
We also have Lillian's younger brother, Lucas, who is mentally challenged, living here. He's 29.
Anificus, snake.
Spock, Seven, Data, and Tuvok, cats
Adonis (chocolate male), Alcyone (yellow female), and Ariadne (black female), Labrador Retrievers
Info about your family
Where do you live? USA, WV
What language do you primarily speak at home? English, some Spanish. We also know Native American sign language and some American sign language.
About the child...
How many children would you like? Three.
What gender(s)? Two male, one female.
What age(s)? 15 or 16
Any prefered countries? The males, from the USA. The female, from Cuba.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? No, only the languages listed above.
Would you like...
--Siblings? The males can be.
--Multiples? The males can be.
----Twins? The males can be.
----Triplets? No
----Quadruplets? No
----Quintuplets? No
We would like the boys to have been emotionally, physically, and/or sexually abused, and the girl to be rather tomboy-ish, if possible. Please, no physical or mental disabilities, but behavior problems are fine. In fact, we would like to take hard cases. Victor and Kathryn were; actually, Daniel was himself.
And finally, please pick names that fit with our family for the boys, and please, please, please do not name the girl Maria, Juanita, or anything like that. Be creative, please.
These are our children:
This message was edited 10/20/2007, 5:35 AM
Congrats Greywood Family!
Congrats Daniel, Lillian, Winter, Victor and Kathryn! Please welcome Adam, Nathan, and Delia into your family!
Adam Theodore and Nathan Simeon are 15 year old twin boys from Georgia. Adam got into a lot of trouble with gangs and the sort. He has a bit of a criminal background, but nothing too severe, mainly minor theft. Some other kids in his gang murdered a man, but Adam wasn't there. Nathan's exgirlfriend stalked him. They broke up around a year ago and she couldn't get over him. One day, she broke into Nathan's room and raped him, which caused the ex, Jessica, to become pregnant. Jessica, of course, blamed it on Nathan, and told the police. Since there really wasn't any proofthat Nathan was the one raped, they told Adam and Nathan's parents they weren't fit for parenting (they had been warned to contol their sons countless times already) and took the boys out of the house. Adam has a bad *ss additude. He doesn't care about anything or anyone and has clever techniques of breaking in and out of houses, so you might find he isn't in his bed in the late night. Nathan, on the other hand, is very cautious. He always makes sure his windows are fully closed and such. He is deathly afraid of Jessica finding him.

Congrats Daniel, Lillian, Winter, Victor and Kathryn! Please welcome Adam, Nathan, and Delia into your family!
Adam Theodore and Nathan Simeon are 15 year old twin boys from Georgia. Adam got into a lot of trouble with gangs and the sort. He has a bit of a criminal background, but nothing too severe, mainly minor theft. Some other kids in his gang murdered a man, but Adam wasn't there. Nathan's exgirlfriend stalked him. They broke up around a year ago and she couldn't get over him. One day, she broke into Nathan's room and raped him, which caused the ex, Jessica, to become pregnant. Jessica, of course, blamed it on Nathan, and told the police. Since there really wasn't any proofthat Nathan was the one raped, they told Adam and Nathan's parents they weren't fit for parenting (they had been warned to contol their sons countless times already) and took the boys out of the house. Adam has a bad *ss additude. He doesn't care about anything or anyone and has clever techniques of breaking in and out of houses, so you might find he isn't in his bed in the late night. Nathan, on the other hand, is very cautious. He always makes sure his windows are fully closed and such. He is deathly afraid of Jessica finding him.
Your Family
LN: Goodson
SO1: Oliver (30)
SO2: Michelle (30)
Children: None currently
Pets: Dog named Patch, terrier mix.
Info about your family
Where do you live? Nebraska
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 3
What gender(s)? 1 boy and 1 girl. Gender of third child doesn't matter.
What age(s)? (1-18) 1-3
Any preferred countries? None
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes
Would you like...
We want three children. It doesn't matter to us if they're siblings or not or if they're twins and a singleton or triplets.
LN: Goodson
SO1: Oliver (30)
SO2: Michelle (30)
Children: None currently
Pets: Dog named Patch, terrier mix.
Info about your family
Where do you live? Nebraska
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 3
What gender(s)? 1 boy and 1 girl. Gender of third child doesn't matter.
What age(s)? (1-18) 1-3
Any preferred countries? None
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes
Would you like...
We want three children. It doesn't matter to us if they're siblings or not or if they're twins and a singleton or triplets.
Congrats Goodson family!
Congrats Oliver and Michelle! Please welcome Maddeighsyn, Mahkennzseeigh and Maysyne into your family!
Maddeighson Khalagh (pronouced like Madison Kayla), Muhkennzseeigh Khaytlahne (Pronounced like Mackenzie Caitlin), and Maysyne Khadynne (pronounced like Mason Caden) are 1 year old triplets from New York. Mhaddeighson, who goes by Maddei, and Muhkennzseeigh, who goes my Mikki, are both girls who are identical. Maysyne is, obviously, fraternal from them. Maddei is the shyest of the three and Mikki the loudest. Pictures aged to age 14:

Congrats Oliver and Michelle! Please welcome Maddeighsyn, Mahkennzseeigh and Maysyne into your family!
Maddeighson Khalagh (pronouced like Madison Kayla), Muhkennzseeigh Khaytlahne (Pronounced like Mackenzie Caitlin), and Maysyne Khadynne (pronounced like Mason Caden) are 1 year old triplets from New York. Mhaddeighson, who goes by Maddei, and Muhkennzseeigh, who goes my Mikki, are both girls who are identical. Maysyne is, obviously, fraternal from them. Maddei is the shyest of the three and Mikki the loudest. Pictures aged to age 14:
Dear Serel Channah's Adoption Agency:
I wanted up to update you on how our now 10-year-old triplets are doing. When they came into our family at one year of age, we decided to legally change their names as they were young enough for the transition to be painless and easy for them to make.
Maddeighson Khalagh became Magdalena "Maggie" Elinor, and has outgrown her initial shyness into a charming, bright girl who will chat the ear off any person. She has a wide variety of interests ranging from painting and football, and everyday she seems to desire to try something new!
Muhkennzseeigh Khaytlahne was legally changed to Aurora Caitlin, and is a thoughtful girl who loves a wide range of music from classical to hard rock. She plays a variety of instruments, writes her own songs, and aspires to be a musician when she grows up. I only pray that she doesn't hold up Britney Spears as a model if she chooses to that route! So far though there's no indication of that for she has always been a kind, considerate and responsible child.
Maysyne Khadynne's name was changed to Gabriel Thomas, and is a soft spoken quiet boy, and very bookwormish. He's an amazingly fast reader, and is constantly buried in a new book. He dreams of being a writer someday, but he also has a fascination with science especially astronomy and mathematics.
Oliver and I are so blessed to have be given these wonderful children, and we're so very grateful that your fine adoption agency has some through for us. Our triplets can be quite the handful at times, but they have brought us so much joy and laughter.
Most sincerely,
Michelle & Oliver Goodson + Maggie, Aurora, and Gabe
I wanted up to update you on how our now 10-year-old triplets are doing. When they came into our family at one year of age, we decided to legally change their names as they were young enough for the transition to be painless and easy for them to make.
Maddeighson Khalagh became Magdalena "Maggie" Elinor, and has outgrown her initial shyness into a charming, bright girl who will chat the ear off any person. She has a wide variety of interests ranging from painting and football, and everyday she seems to desire to try something new!
Muhkennzseeigh Khaytlahne was legally changed to Aurora Caitlin, and is a thoughtful girl who loves a wide range of music from classical to hard rock. She plays a variety of instruments, writes her own songs, and aspires to be a musician when she grows up. I only pray that she doesn't hold up Britney Spears as a model if she chooses to that route! So far though there's no indication of that for she has always been a kind, considerate and responsible child.
Maysyne Khadynne's name was changed to Gabriel Thomas, and is a soft spoken quiet boy, and very bookwormish. He's an amazingly fast reader, and is constantly buried in a new book. He dreams of being a writer someday, but he also has a fascination with science especially astronomy and mathematics.
Oliver and I are so blessed to have be given these wonderful children, and we're so very grateful that your fine adoption agency has some through for us. Our triplets can be quite the handful at times, but they have brought us so much joy and laughter.
Most sincerely,
Michelle & Oliver Goodson + Maggie, Aurora, and Gabe
This message was edited 10/21/2007, 12:01 PM
Your Family
LN: Hopkins
SO1: Anastasia Ekaterina "Asya" (me)(29)
SO2: Vasily Aleksander "Sasha"(35)
Children: Dimitri Ivan "Mitya"(7)
Rada Kseniya (4)
Pets: Dogs: Sveta and Vlad
Info about your family
Where do you live? NC, United States
What language do you primarily speak at home? Russian, but all speak English fluently and Vasily and I speak some Japanese
About the child...
How many children would you like? 5 or less, doesn't matter
What gender(s)? doesn't matter
What age(s)? 1-8
Any prefered countries? Russia prefered, but US, UK, Australia, and Japan are fine
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes
Would you like...
--Multiples? Don't really care, but if triplets or more I would like them to be at least 3
Other: none
LN: Hopkins
SO1: Anastasia Ekaterina "Asya" (me)(29)
SO2: Vasily Aleksander "Sasha"(35)
Children: Dimitri Ivan "Mitya"(7)
Rada Kseniya (4)
Pets: Dogs: Sveta and Vlad
Info about your family
Where do you live? NC, United States
What language do you primarily speak at home? Russian, but all speak English fluently and Vasily and I speak some Japanese
About the child...
How many children would you like? 5 or less, doesn't matter
What gender(s)? doesn't matter
What age(s)? 1-8
Any prefered countries? Russia prefered, but US, UK, Australia, and Japan are fine
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes
Would you like...
--Multiples? Don't really care, but if triplets or more I would like them to be at least 3
Other: none
Congrats Hopkins Family!
Congrats Asya, Sasha, Mitya and Rada! Please welcome Agnessa, Zoya, Violetta and Innokentiy into your family!
Agnessa Nadya, Zoya Oksana and Violetta Polina are 8 year old triplets from Russia. Agnessa, who sometimes goes by Aggie or Nessa, loves everything flowers. Zoya is into learning about other cultures, and is thrilled to be moving to America where she can live in a totally different culture. Violetta is athletic. She is happy that she will have a brother around her age to play with. None of the girls speak English, although Zoya knows a few basic words.

Congrats Asya, Sasha, Mitya and Rada! Please welcome Agnessa, Zoya, Violetta and Innokentiy into your family!
Agnessa Nadya, Zoya Oksana and Violetta Polina are 8 year old triplets from Russia. Agnessa, who sometimes goes by Aggie or Nessa, loves everything flowers. Zoya is into learning about other cultures, and is thrilled to be moving to America where she can live in a totally different culture. Violetta is athletic. She is happy that she will have a brother around her age to play with. None of the girls speak English, although Zoya knows a few basic words.
All of the children are settling in quite well.
Agnessa has learned quite a bit of English, as she has befriended another neighborhood girl of the same age. They spend tons of time together and often make things. I've lost track of the number of times she has come home with a crown of wild flowers. She is home schooling for a little while along with Zoya and Violetta while her English improves.
Zoya has adjusted much faster than we expected, she spends much of her time reading childrens books about other countries and has taken an interest in spending time with our Chinese next door neighbors, now she is learning Chinese and English at the same time.
Violetta is having a bit more trouble, but she and Mitya have become fairly close. She plays sports with the neighborhood boys, but hasn't made many good friends. She is joining an official rec-league soccer team soon so she she meet someone there. Her biggest issue is trouble with English so it should pass as her speaking gets better.
Kenya has truely become a little brother to Mitya, he speaks very good English and is always pestering Mitya to teach him how to do something or to build something with legos and he and Rada often play. He and Violetta are turning her into a little sports queen.
Thank you so much!
Agnessa has learned quite a bit of English, as she has befriended another neighborhood girl of the same age. They spend tons of time together and often make things. I've lost track of the number of times she has come home with a crown of wild flowers. She is home schooling for a little while along with Zoya and Violetta while her English improves.
Zoya has adjusted much faster than we expected, she spends much of her time reading childrens books about other countries and has taken an interest in spending time with our Chinese next door neighbors, now she is learning Chinese and English at the same time.
Violetta is having a bit more trouble, but she and Mitya have become fairly close. She plays sports with the neighborhood boys, but hasn't made many good friends. She is joining an official rec-league soccer team soon so she she meet someone there. Her biggest issue is trouble with English so it should pass as her speaking gets better.
Kenya has truely become a little brother to Mitya, he speaks very good English and is always pestering Mitya to teach him how to do something or to build something with legos and he and Rada often play. He and Violetta are turning her into a little sports queen.
Thank you so much!
Your Family
LN: Hennin
SO1: Alice Marie (24)
SO2: none
Children: none
Hogarth, cat
Boaz, cat
Info about your family
Where do you live? United States
What language do you primarily speak at home? English, but I also know French
About the child...
How many children would you like? 1-2
What gender(s)? any
What age(s)? 1-4
Any prefered countries? Any
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes
Would you like...
--Siblings? fine
--Multiples? fine
----Twins? yes
----Triplets? no
----Quadruplets? no
----Quintuplets? no
Other: I am not married yet, but I know I can give a supportive and loving home to a child/children.
Congrats Hennin Family!
Congrats Marie, Hogarth and Boaz! Please welcome Chinatsu into your family!
Chinatsu Hitomi is a 3 year old from Japan. Chinatsu loves animals and wants to be a kitty when she grows up, so she was super escited when she found out her new family would have TWO cats. She wants them to sleep in her room. Picure aged to age 7:

Be sure to update us on how she is doing!
Congrats Marie, Hogarth and Boaz! Please welcome Chinatsu into your family!
Chinatsu Hitomi is a 3 year old from Japan. Chinatsu loves animals and wants to be a kitty when she grows up, so she was super escited when she found out her new family would have TWO cats. She wants them to sleep in her room. Picure aged to age 7:
Be sure to update us on how she is doing!
Your Family
LN: Gibson
SO1: Loki Jasper (27)
SO2: Analyssa Charlotte(24)
Children: Addilyn Constance (2)
Pets: dogs Wicket and Sunny
Info about your family
Where do you live? Missouri
What language do you primarily speak at home? English, but Analyssa knows Italian.
About the child...
How many children would you like? 5
What gender(s)? 3 girls, 2 boys
What age(s)? 1-5
Any prefered countries? no
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? yes
Would you like...
--Siblings? yes
----Twins? yes
----Triplets? no
----Quadruplets? no
----Quintuplets? no
Congrats Gibson Family
Congrats Loki, Analyssa, and Addilyn! Please welcome Carleigh, Marleigh, James, Lan, and Anthony to your family.
Carleigh Bayeleigh and Marleigh Hayeleigh are twin girls from Florida. They are both 1 year old. Their mother, who was single, was recently killed in a plane crash. Both girls are very, very shy. Pictures aged to 12:

James Michael Samson-Brian is a 5 year old boy from Canada. James loves hockey, and wants to learn how to play. He is a very outgoing boy and loves to be around people. Picture aged to 12:

Congrats Loki, Analyssa, and Addilyn! Please welcome Carleigh, Marleigh, James, Lan, and Anthony to your family.
Carleigh Bayeleigh and Marleigh Hayeleigh are twin girls from Florida. They are both 1 year old. Their mother, who was single, was recently killed in a plane crash. Both girls are very, very shy. Pictures aged to 12:
James Michael Samson-Brian is a 5 year old boy from Canada. James loves hockey, and wants to learn how to play. He is a very outgoing boy and loves to be around people. Picture aged to 12:
Your Family
LN: Kraus
SO1: Viktor Lukas (29)
SO2: Kora Marie (28)
Children: Magdalena Anne "Lena" (3)
Pets: Cat- Flora
Info about your family
Where do you live? Germany
What language do you primarily speak at home? German
About the child...
How many children would you like? 4
What gender(s): Female
What age(s)? 0-8
Any prefered countries? Any
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Only if they are young enough to easily learn it (4 or under).
Would you like...
--Siblings? yes
--Multiples? yes
----Twins? yes
----Triplets? yes
----Quadruplets? no
----Quintuplets? no
Other: nope. :)
LN: Kraus
SO1: Viktor Lukas (29)
SO2: Kora Marie (28)
Children: Magdalena Anne "Lena" (3)
Pets: Cat- Flora
Info about your family
Where do you live? Germany
What language do you primarily speak at home? German
About the child...
How many children would you like? 4
What gender(s): Female
What age(s)? 0-8
Any prefered countries? Any
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Only if they are young enough to easily learn it (4 or under).
Would you like...
--Siblings? yes
--Multiples? yes
----Twins? yes
----Triplets? yes
----Quadruplets? no
----Quintuplets? no
Other: nope. :)
This message was edited 10/17/2007, 10:24 AM
Congrats Kraus Family
Congrats Viktor, Kora, and Lena. Please welcome K.C., Evelyn, Brigitta, and Dorthe to your family!
Kayley Chloe "K.C." is a newborn from America. Her mom was a 16 year old who could not care for her. (Picture aged to 13)

Evelyn Fabiola "Evie" and Brigitta Helena are identical twin 7 year olds. They love dressing alike, but in different colors. Evie loves drawing and Brigitta loves to paint. (Pictures aged to 11)

... Load Full Message
Congrats Viktor, Kora, and Lena. Please welcome K.C., Evelyn, Brigitta, and Dorthe to your family!
Kayley Chloe "K.C." is a newborn from America. Her mom was a 16 year old who could not care for her. (Picture aged to 13)
Evelyn Fabiola "Evie" and Brigitta Helena are identical twin 7 year olds. They love dressing alike, but in different colors. Evie loves drawing and Brigitta loves to paint. (Pictures aged to 11)
Sorry, double post
This message was edited 10/17/2007, 1:22 PM
Your Family
LN: Wesel
SO1: Klaus Hans (42)
SO2: Adelheidis Anne "Heidi"(39)
Michael Klaus (13)
Rudolf Hans "Rudy" (11)
German Shepherd - Shultz
Info about your family
Where do you live? Germany
What language do you primarily speak at home? German
About the child...
How many children would you like? 5
What gender(s)? all boys
What age(s)? under 10
Any prefered countries? No
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? If they are under 5 so they can learn easily
Would you like...
--Siblings? sure
--Multiples? fine
LN: Wesel
SO1: Klaus Hans (42)
SO2: Adelheidis Anne "Heidi"(39)
Michael Klaus (13)
Rudolf Hans "Rudy" (11)
German Shepherd - Shultz
Info about your family
Where do you live? Germany
What language do you primarily speak at home? German
About the child...
How many children would you like? 5
What gender(s)? all boys
What age(s)? under 10
Any prefered countries? No
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? If they are under 5 so they can learn easily
Would you like...
--Siblings? sure
--Multiples? fine
Congrats Wesel Family!
Congrats Klaus, Heidi, Michael and Rudy! Please welcome Conrad, David, Florian, Ignatz, and Soren into your family!
Conrad Torben, David Waldemar, Florian Mattias, Ignatz Lanzo and Soren Kayetan are 10 year old boys from Germany. Conrad is very shy. He likes wearing darker colors so he doesn't stand out. David is very athletic. He likes to play soccer (football). Florian is the smartest of all the boys. He skipped two grades, and still is top of his class. Ignatz is very tough. Many would consider him a bully, but he is actually very sweet if you get to know him, and is very defensive when it comes to his brothers (esp. Florian, since he is always teased). Soren is always doing his own thing. He doesn't like being a quintuplet and does anything he can to be different (incuding dying his hair).

... Load Full Message
Congrats Klaus, Heidi, Michael and Rudy! Please welcome Conrad, David, Florian, Ignatz, and Soren into your family!
Conrad Torben, David Waldemar, Florian Mattias, Ignatz Lanzo and Soren Kayetan are 10 year old boys from Germany. Conrad is very shy. He likes wearing darker colors so he doesn't stand out. David is very athletic. He likes to play soccer (football). Florian is the smartest of all the boys. He skipped two grades, and still is top of his class. Ignatz is very tough. Many would consider him a bully, but he is actually very sweet if you get to know him, and is very defensive when it comes to his brothers (esp. Florian, since he is always teased). Soren is always doing his own thing. He doesn't like being a quintuplet and does anything he can to be different (incuding dying his hair).
Conrad, David, Florian, Ignatz and Soren have been a wonderful addition to our family. It was a little rocky at first, but things have settled nicely now (or as nicely as a house with 7 boys can be :D ). Michael and Rudy love having 5 new little brothers. All 5 boys were enrolled in Private School.
Conrad took the longest time to "warm up" to the family, but he's struck up a special relationship with Michael and just adores his big brother.
David was thrilled to discover that Rudy is an avid Footballer too. He has joined the same team as Rudy and is doing wonderfully.
Florian is enrolled in the same Gymnasium (High School for kids who will go to University) as Michael. He is doing very well, but has some struggles with the social aspect, being so much younger.
Ignatz was a "tough nut to crack", but eventually his softer side started immerging. Though he still gets into a few skirmishes at school, he is doing better in that department.
Soren is a joy. We love his uniqueness. At his request we never refer to the boys as "the quints". He was thrilled that the Private School we enrolled them in has put him in a seperate class from any of his brothers. He has forged his own friendships and continues to "march to the beat of his own drummer".
Conrad took the longest time to "warm up" to the family, but he's struck up a special relationship with Michael and just adores his big brother.
David was thrilled to discover that Rudy is an avid Footballer too. He has joined the same team as Rudy and is doing wonderfully.
Florian is enrolled in the same Gymnasium (High School for kids who will go to University) as Michael. He is doing very well, but has some struggles with the social aspect, being so much younger.
Ignatz was a "tough nut to crack", but eventually his softer side started immerging. Though he still gets into a few skirmishes at school, he is doing better in that department.
Soren is a joy. We love his uniqueness. At his request we never refer to the boys as "the quints". He was thrilled that the Private School we enrolled them in has put him in a seperate class from any of his brothers. He has forged his own friendships and continues to "march to the beat of his own drummer".
Your Family
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (34)
DW: Marie Nicole (32)
Children: Evan Daniel (8) Patrick Alan (5) Giovanna Elaine "Gia" (3)
Pets: None
Info about your family
Where do you live? Ohio
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 2
What gender(s)? 1 Boy 1 Girl, or 2 Boys
What age(s)? 6 and under
Any prefered countries? English-speaking countries
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? No
Would you like...
--Siblings? Please!
----Twins? Sure!
----Triplets? No
----Quadruplets? No
----Quintuplets? No
Other: None =) Can't wait to meet our new family members!
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (34)
DW: Marie Nicole (32)
Children: Evan Daniel (8) Patrick Alan (5) Giovanna Elaine "Gia" (3)
Pets: None
Info about your family
Where do you live? Ohio
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 2
What gender(s)? 1 Boy 1 Girl, or 2 Boys
What age(s)? 6 and under
Any prefered countries? English-speaking countries
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? No
Would you like...
--Siblings? Please!
----Twins? Sure!
----Triplets? No
----Quadruplets? No
----Quintuplets? No
Other: None =) Can't wait to meet our new family members!
Congrats Sander Family!
Congrats to Evan, Nicole, Evan, Patrick and Gia! Please welcome Lissy and Jay into your family!
Mahlyza Jaiyn "Lissy" and Jhaysyn Mathyouh "Jay" are 4 year old twins from Texas. Lissy is very girly. She loves to play with dolls and jewelery. Jay is artistic. He enjoys coloring.

Be sure to give us an update on how Lissy and Jay are doing!
Congrats to Evan, Nicole, Evan, Patrick and Gia! Please welcome Lissy and Jay into your family!
Mahlyza Jaiyn "Lissy" and Jhaysyn Mathyouh "Jay" are 4 year old twins from Texas. Lissy is very girly. She loves to play with dolls and jewelery. Jay is artistic. He enjoys coloring.
Be sure to give us an update on how Lissy and Jay are doing!
Your Family
LN: Williams
DH: Caspian Blaise (27)
DW: Sonora Anais (24)
Children: n/a (names and ages)
Pets: n/a (names and species)
Info about your family
Where do you live? USA
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 5
What gender(s)? girls
What age(s)? any
Any prefered countries? no
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? yes, of course
Would you like...
--Siblings? any
--Multiples? any
----Twins? any
----Triplets? no
----Quadruplets? no
----Quintuplets? no
Other: no
LN: Williams
DH: Caspian Blaise (27)
DW: Sonora Anais (24)
Children: n/a (names and ages)
Pets: n/a (names and species)
Info about your family
Where do you live? USA
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 5
What gender(s)? girls
What age(s)? any
Any prefered countries? no
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? yes, of course
Would you like...
--Siblings? any
--Multiples? any
----Twins? any
----Triplets? no
----Quadruplets? no
----Quintuplets? no
Other: no
Congrats Williams family!
Congrats Caspian and Sonora! Please welcome Ilana, Tova, Valentina, Marie and Rose to your family!
Ilana Drorit and Tova Faigel are twins from Israel. They do not speak English. They are 15 years old. Their family was killed in a bombing and they are excited to be abou moving to America, where its safe. Ilana and Tova have similar personalities, even though they are fraternal. They both like rock music and art.

Valentina Ana-Maria is 10 years old and from Mexico. Vale (pronoucne vah-LAY, much like the word valet), as she prefers to be called loves sports. Ella es una deportista. That means 'She is an athlete' in Spanish. She knows a little English, but not very much.

Congrats Caspian and Sonora! Please welcome Ilana, Tova, Valentina, Marie and Rose to your family!
Ilana Drorit and Tova Faigel are twins from Israel. They do not speak English. They are 15 years old. Their family was killed in a bombing and they are excited to be abou moving to America, where its safe. Ilana and Tova have similar personalities, even though they are fraternal. They both like rock music and art.
Valentina Ana-Maria is 10 years old and from Mexico. Vale (pronoucne vah-LAY, much like the word valet), as she prefers to be called loves sports. Ella es una deportista. That means 'She is an athlete' in Spanish. She knows a little English, but not very much.
Your Family
LN: Emerson
SO1: Katharine Ivy (27)
SO2: Elias Benjamin (25)
Children: Eliana Kate (2)
Pets: a female golden retriever called Cassie
Info about your family
Where do you live? England
What language do you primarily speak at home? English, but we also know Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
About the child...
How many children would you like? 1 to 2
What gender(s)? no preference if it is only one, a boy and a girl if we can adopt two
What age(s)? 1 to 3
Any prefered countries? England, Italy, Greece
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes
Would you like...
--Siblings? yes
----Twins? yes
----Triplets? nope
----Quadruplets? nope
----Quintuplets? nope
Other: nothing else
LN: Emerson
SO1: Katharine Ivy (27)
SO2: Elias Benjamin (25)
Children: Eliana Kate (2)
Pets: a female golden retriever called Cassie
Info about your family
Where do you live? England
What language do you primarily speak at home? English, but we also know Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
About the child...
How many children would you like? 1 to 2
What gender(s)? no preference if it is only one, a boy and a girl if we can adopt two
What age(s)? 1 to 3
Any prefered countries? England, Italy, Greece
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes
Would you like...
--Siblings? yes
----Twins? yes
----Triplets? nope
----Quadruplets? nope
----Quintuplets? nope
Other: nothing else
Congrats Emerson Family!
Congrats Katharine, Elias, and Eliana! Please welcome
Agostina Gioconda is 1 year old and from Italy. Her parents abandoned her on the streets. She is a very happy baby. (Picture aged to 14 years):

Andrew Carlton is 3 years old and from England. He loves cars and trains. Andrew's parents died in a tragic car accident, with Andrew in the car and Andrew is constantly reanacting the event with his toy cars. (Picture aged to 14 years):

Congrats Katharine, Elias, and Eliana! Please welcome
Agostina Gioconda is 1 year old and from Italy. Her parents abandoned her on the streets. She is a very happy baby. (Picture aged to 14 years):
Andrew Carlton is 3 years old and from England. He loves cars and trains. Andrew's parents died in a tragic car accident, with Andrew in the car and Andrew is constantly reanacting the event with his toy cars. (Picture aged to 14 years):
Your Family
LN: Yaromer
SO1: Nolan Clement (49)
SO2: Amalie Veronica (48)
Children: Collin Romain (16), Tate Michel (15), Bianca Anne (12), Regina Nike (9), and Agata Gwendolyn (7)
Pets: Magnolia (dog), Merla (dog), Evert (bird), and Alf (cat)
Info about your family
Where do you live?: Salem Mass.
What language do you primarily speak at home: English
About the child...
How many children would you like?: 2
What gender(s)?: one boy/one girl
What age(s)?: 13 and 13 or 13 and 6 or 6 and 6
Any prefered countries?: England or Mass.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language?: English
Would you like...
--Siblings?: yes
--Multiples?: no
----Twins?: yes
----Triplets?: no
----Quadruplets?: no
----Qintuplets?: no
Other: nope :)
LN: Yaromer
SO1: Nolan Clement (49)
SO2: Amalie Veronica (48)
Children: Collin Romain (16), Tate Michel (15), Bianca Anne (12), Regina Nike (9), and Agata Gwendolyn (7)
Pets: Magnolia (dog), Merla (dog), Evert (bird), and Alf (cat)
Info about your family
Where do you live?: Salem Mass.
What language do you primarily speak at home: English
About the child...
How many children would you like?: 2
What gender(s)?: one boy/one girl
What age(s)?: 13 and 13 or 13 and 6 or 6 and 6
Any prefered countries?: England or Mass.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language?: English
Would you like...
--Siblings?: yes
--Multiples?: no
----Twins?: yes
----Triplets?: no
----Quadruplets?: no
----Qintuplets?: no
Other: nope :)
Congrats Yaromer Family!
Congrats Nolan, Amalie, Collin, Tate, Bianca, Regina, and Agata! Please welcome Lillian and Cassandra into your family!
Lillian May and Cassandra Jane are 13 year old twins from England. Lillian is a bit boy crazy (and when I say a bit I mean thats all she can ever talk abou), but has never had a boyfriend. Cassandra, or Cassie as she prefers to be called, is also outgoing. Cassie loves to help people and wants to be able to volunteer at a local homeless shelter, animal shelter, elementary school, nursing home, or whereever.

Congrats Nolan, Amalie, Collin, Tate, Bianca, Regina, and Agata! Please welcome Lillian and Cassandra into your family!
Lillian May and Cassandra Jane are 13 year old twins from England. Lillian is a bit boy crazy (and when I say a bit I mean thats all she can ever talk abou), but has never had a boyfriend. Cassandra, or Cassie as she prefers to be called, is also outgoing. Cassie loves to help people and wants to be able to volunteer at a local homeless shelter, animal shelter, elementary school, nursing home, or whereever.
Your Family
LN: Ch_______
SO1: Amanda (28)
SO2: Clayton (34)
DS/DS(6): Luka William and Owen Charles
DD(3): Grier Elisabeth
DS/DD(1): Jack Michael Davis and Isobel Katia “Isla”
Dogs- Martha and Beau
Cat- Milou
Horses- Artemis "Artie" and Oscar "Oz"
Info about your family
Where do you live? Canada
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 2
What gender(s)? any
What age(s)? 1-6
Any prefered countries? preferably not European
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? yes
Would you like...
--Siblings? doesn't matter
----Twins? sure
LN: Ch_______
SO1: Amanda (28)
SO2: Clayton (34)
DS/DS(6): Luka William and Owen Charles
DD(3): Grier Elisabeth
DS/DD(1): Jack Michael Davis and Isobel Katia “Isla”
Dogs- Martha and Beau
Cat- Milou
Horses- Artemis "Artie" and Oscar "Oz"
Info about your family
Where do you live? Canada
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? 2
What gender(s)? any
What age(s)? 1-6
Any prefered countries? preferably not European
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? yes
Would you like...
--Siblings? doesn't matter
----Twins? sure
Congrats Ch______ Family!
Congrats Amanda, Clayton, Luka, Owen, Grier, Jakc and Isla! Please welcome Naomi and Kapena into your family!
Naomi Akiko is 5 years old and from Japan. Naomi does not know any English. She loves to sing and wants to be a pop star when she gets older. She has a stuffed dog, Ami, who she takes everywhere.

Kapena Ekewaka is a 6 year old boy from Hawaii. Kapeni loves surfing, but his refuses to now, since thats how his pareants died.

Please be sure to give us an update on Naomi and Kapeni!
Congrats Amanda, Clayton, Luka, Owen, Grier, Jakc and Isla! Please welcome Naomi and Kapena into your family!
Naomi Akiko is 5 years old and from Japan. Naomi does not know any English. She loves to sing and wants to be a pop star when she gets older. She has a stuffed dog, Ami, who she takes everywhere.
Kapena Ekewaka is a 6 year old boy from Hawaii. Kapeni loves surfing, but his refuses to now, since thats how his pareants died.
Please be sure to give us an update on Naomi and Kapeni!
LN: Ch_______
SO1: Amanda (28)
SO2: Clayton (34)
DS/DS(6): Luka William and Owen Charles
Adopted DS(6): Kapeni Ekewaka
Adopted DD(5): Naomi Akiko
DD(3): Grier Elisabeth
DS/DD(1): Jack Michael Davis and Isobel Katia “Isla”
Dogs- Martha and Beau
Cat- Milou
Horses- Artemis "Artie" and Oscar "Oz"
Kapeni seems to be adjusting well and have some fun running around with Luka and Owen. We've been to the pool a couple of times but he's not eager to get in the water anytime soon.
Naomi is gorgeous and her random outbursts in song are so adorable, I wish I could understand what she is singing about! She isn't too impressed when the boys get a bit rowdy but she loves to help mommy take care of Grier, Jack, and Isla. When they are all cleaned up, Naomi tries to include Grier in her playtime but I hope that someday she will teach us a bit of her language too.
SO1: Amanda (28)
SO2: Clayton (34)
DS/DS(6): Luka William and Owen Charles
Adopted DS(6): Kapeni Ekewaka
Adopted DD(5): Naomi Akiko
DD(3): Grier Elisabeth
DS/DD(1): Jack Michael Davis and Isobel Katia “Isla”
Dogs- Martha and Beau
Cat- Milou
Horses- Artemis "Artie" and Oscar "Oz"
Kapeni seems to be adjusting well and have some fun running around with Luka and Owen. We've been to the pool a couple of times but he's not eager to get in the water anytime soon.
Naomi is gorgeous and her random outbursts in song are so adorable, I wish I could understand what she is singing about! She isn't too impressed when the boys get a bit rowdy but she loves to help mommy take care of Grier, Jack, and Isla. When they are all cleaned up, Naomi tries to include Grier in her playtime but I hope that someday she will teach us a bit of her language too.
Your Family
LN: Trueblood
SO1: Rachel Shaina (30)
SO2: Alexander Charles (31)
Helena Ruby, 6
William Charles, 4 "Liam"
Avril Sofia, 2 (twin)
Ashley Jacob, 2 (twin)
Pets: none
Info about your family
Where do you live? Chicago, IL, US
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? any number.
What gender(s)? No preferance
What age(s)? (1-18) We'd prefer children around our children's ages. Nothing over 10.
Any prefered countries? US, UK, Australia, Russia, Romania, France.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes.
Would you like...
--Siblings? sure, no real preference
--Multiples? sure, no real preference
----Twins? sure, no real preference
----Triplets? sure, no real preference
----Quadruplets? sure, no real preference
----Quintuplets? sure, no real preference
Other: We may change their names
*by the way, the newest round of my congrats is up (it's a bit further down the page.) Could you do it when you get a chance? :)
LN: Trueblood
SO1: Rachel Shaina (30)
SO2: Alexander Charles (31)
Helena Ruby, 6
William Charles, 4 "Liam"
Avril Sofia, 2 (twin)
Ashley Jacob, 2 (twin)
Pets: none
Info about your family
Where do you live? Chicago, IL, US
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
About the child...
How many children would you like? any number.
What gender(s)? No preferance
What age(s)? (1-18) We'd prefer children around our children's ages. Nothing over 10.
Any prefered countries? US, UK, Australia, Russia, Romania, France.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes.
Would you like...
--Siblings? sure, no real preference
--Multiples? sure, no real preference
----Twins? sure, no real preference
----Triplets? sure, no real preference
----Quadruplets? sure, no real preference
----Quintuplets? sure, no real preference
Other: We may change their names
*by the way, the newest round of my congrats is up (it's a bit further down the page.) Could you do it when you get a chance? :)
This message was edited 10/16/2007, 4:44 PM
Congrats Trueblood family!
Congrats Rachel, Alexander, Helena, Liam, Avril and Ashley! Please welcome Shannon and Charlotte to your family!
Shannon Jade and Charlotte Jasmine are twins from the UK. They are both eight years old. Shannon is a lot quieter than Charlotte, but both are relativly shy. Shannon prefers art and Charlotte loves reading. Shannon has a little trouble reading.

Please be sure to update us on how Shannon and Charlotte are!
Rachel-- I'm sorry, but I'm dropping your Congrats game. I really enjoyed it, but after a while, to me, I get bored with things.
Congrats Rachel, Alexander, Helena, Liam, Avril and Ashley! Please welcome Shannon and Charlotte to your family!
Shannon Jade and Charlotte Jasmine are twins from the UK. They are both eight years old. Shannon is a lot quieter than Charlotte, but both are relativly shy. Shannon prefers art and Charlotte loves reading. Shannon has a little trouble reading.
Please be sure to update us on how Shannon and Charlotte are!
Rachel-- I'm sorry, but I'm dropping your Congrats game. I really enjoyed it, but after a while, to me, I get bored with things.
This message was edited 10/16/2007, 6:40 PM
Thank you for giving our family these two wonderful girls. Shannon and Charlotte both fit in wonderfully with our family.
Helena loves having big sisters around-- she borrows their clothes a lot. She and Shannon get along very well, as the two of them both love art.
Liam wasn't happy having more girls around the house (I guess he wanted more brothers) but warmed up to them immensely after a while. He loves when Charlotte reads stories to him. From time to time, she even writes stories of her own, and then tells us them.
Avril and Ashley are still a bit apathetic to having two new sisters, but what do you expect from two year olds?
The six kids love playing soccer together, as some added trivia. The teams are usually Shannon, Helena, and Ashley against Charlotte, Liam and Avril. Charlotte and Shannon love it (though they call it football most of the time) and we're thinking of having them join a team next spring.
As for the congrats, it's no problem if you drop. I put up your prize just now, so you can go look at that. :]
Helena loves having big sisters around-- she borrows their clothes a lot. She and Shannon get along very well, as the two of them both love art.
Liam wasn't happy having more girls around the house (I guess he wanted more brothers) but warmed up to them immensely after a while. He loves when Charlotte reads stories to him. From time to time, she even writes stories of her own, and then tells us them.
Avril and Ashley are still a bit apathetic to having two new sisters, but what do you expect from two year olds?
The six kids love playing soccer together, as some added trivia. The teams are usually Shannon, Helena, and Ashley against Charlotte, Liam and Avril. Charlotte and Shannon love it (though they call it football most of the time) and we're thinking of having them join a team next spring.
As for the congrats, it's no problem if you drop. I put up your prize just now, so you can go look at that. :]
LN: Sullivan
SO1: Valeriana Emmeline "Lera", 26
SO2: Micah Soren, 27
~DD: Artemisia Pax, 4
~DD: Vesta Freyja, 2
Pets: none
Where do you live? England
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
How many children would you like? 2
What gender(s)? female
What age(s)? one 5-10, the others 14-17
Any prefered countries? Any from Europe or North America
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? We also speak French, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, and German
Would you like...
--Siblings? Of course
----Twins? Yes
----Triplets? Yes
----Quadruplets? n/a
----Quintuplets? n/a
Other: Children with severe emotional problems are more than welcome. We can take up to one pregnant teen/teen mom. All children will be able to stay in contact with non-abusive friends, parents, a baby's father and other siblings (though we'd like to keep siblings together) via e-mail and letters only.
SO1: Valeriana Emmeline "Lera", 26
SO2: Micah Soren, 27
~DD: Artemisia Pax, 4
~DD: Vesta Freyja, 2
Pets: none
Where do you live? England
What language do you primarily speak at home? English
How many children would you like? 2
What gender(s)? female
What age(s)? one 5-10, the others 14-17
Any prefered countries? Any from Europe or North America
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? We also speak French, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, and German
Would you like...
--Siblings? Of course
----Twins? Yes
----Triplets? Yes
----Quadruplets? n/a
----Quintuplets? n/a
Other: Children with severe emotional problems are more than welcome. We can take up to one pregnant teen/teen mom. All children will be able to stay in contact with non-abusive friends, parents, a baby's father and other siblings (though we'd like to keep siblings together) via e-mail and letters only.
Congrats Sullivan Family!
Congrats to Valeriana, Micha, Artemisia and Vesta! Please welcome Anabella, Jessica and Jessica's daughter Mykkyzeighlynne to your family!
Annabella Katarina, Bella for short, is six years old and from England. She absolutly loves dancing. She'll dance to any kind of music-- from rap to country to classical. Bella's dad died before she was born. Her mother remarried and she died last year of cancer, leaving Annabella in the custody of her step-father. He abused her. She has a few very visable scars, but other than that, she has fully recovered.

Jessica Marie is 17 years old and is from NY, USA. She has never been, well, a *good girl*. She starting smoking when she was 8 and drinking at 10, and doing illegal drugs at 11. At the age of 12, she starting doing things with boys she shouldn't have even been thinking of doing. Her parents were totally oblivious to this until one day, when Jessica was nearing her 13th birthday, they found out Jessica was pregnant. Jessica's daughter, Mykkinzeighlynne Navayyah Maddysyn-Ryleigh, who is normalled just called Mykkii, is now almost 5. On Jessica's 15th birthday, she found out she was pregnant again, and had an abortion. Her parents kicked her out right before the abortion. She hopes she can regain contact with them.
Congrats to Valeriana, Micha, Artemisia and Vesta! Please welcome Anabella, Jessica and Jessica's daughter Mykkyzeighlynne to your family!
Annabella Katarina, Bella for short, is six years old and from England. She absolutly loves dancing. She'll dance to any kind of music-- from rap to country to classical. Bella's dad died before she was born. Her mother remarried and she died last year of cancer, leaving Annabella in the custody of her step-father. He abused her. She has a few very visable scars, but other than that, she has fully recovered.
Jessica Marie is 17 years old and is from NY, USA. She has never been, well, a *good girl*. She starting smoking when she was 8 and drinking at 10, and doing illegal drugs at 11. At the age of 12, she starting doing things with boys she shouldn't have even been thinking of doing. Her parents were totally oblivious to this until one day, when Jessica was nearing her 13th birthday, they found out Jessica was pregnant. Jessica's daughter, Mykkinzeighlynne Navayyah Maddysyn-Ryleigh, who is normalled just called Mykkii, is now almost 5. On Jessica's 15th birthday, she found out she was pregnant again, and had an abortion. Her parents kicked her out right before the abortion. She hopes she can regain contact with them.
-Bella is doing great. She's seeing a therapist once a week, just so she has someone to talk to if needed. She asked to be enrolled in dance, so Micah and I signed her up for tap, ballet, and jazz. She's loving it and has decided to stick with it. She has become friends with our four-year-old Artemisia and Jessica's daughter, and they love to dance together and play with Vesta (our 2 year old).
-Jessica is also seeing a therapist but is having a harder time adjusting. She has insisted on dropping out of high school, although she is only in her junior year. We have refused to let her do this and she is now very angry. She hasn't been in serious trouble, but she has recently told us she became pregnant again (apparently sometime before coming here and is about 4 months along). We are letting her keep the baby of course. It's going to be a girl and our only request was that the child's names be spelled 'normally'. She is considering the name Evangeline Hazel "Evie" or Kamryn Olivia "Kami" which we think are both great choices.
-Mykkinzeighlynne Navayyah Maddysyn-Ryleigh, whose name has been legally changed to Makenzie Maddison "Kenzie" (approved by Jessica, of course) is doing good. She loves playing with Bella and Artemisia. She also loves to play with the neighborhood animals and has proven herself an excellent reader. She's so excited that she might have another little sister soon. She can't wait to teach little Evie, or Kami, everything needed to know about being a fairy princess :).
Thank you for the beautiful additions to our family.
Micah, Valeriana, Artemisia, Vesta, Bella, Jessica, Kenzie, and Evie or Kami.
-Jessica is also seeing a therapist but is having a harder time adjusting. She has insisted on dropping out of high school, although she is only in her junior year. We have refused to let her do this and she is now very angry. She hasn't been in serious trouble, but she has recently told us she became pregnant again (apparently sometime before coming here and is about 4 months along). We are letting her keep the baby of course. It's going to be a girl and our only request was that the child's names be spelled 'normally'. She is considering the name Evangeline Hazel "Evie" or Kamryn Olivia "Kami" which we think are both great choices.
-Mykkinzeighlynne Navayyah Maddysyn-Ryleigh, whose name has been legally changed to Makenzie Maddison "Kenzie" (approved by Jessica, of course) is doing good. She loves playing with Bella and Artemisia. She also loves to play with the neighborhood animals and has proven herself an excellent reader. She's so excited that she might have another little sister soon. She can't wait to teach little Evie, or Kami, everything needed to know about being a fairy princess :).
Thank you for the beautiful additions to our family.
Micah, Valeriana, Artemisia, Vesta, Bella, Jessica, Kenzie, and Evie or Kami.
LN: Dimitriou
SO1: Nikolas Yanni 42
SO2: Sophia Petra 39
Children: 4
- Calliope Athena "Callie" (19)
- Echo Calanthe (16)
- Aoide Leto "Edie" / Ianthe Pax "Annie" (15)
Pets: Just fish & a hamster named Olympus
Info about your family
Where do you live? Montana
What language do you primarily speak at home? Everyone in our family speaks very good english, but in our house we speak mainly greek. Our children also know french, latin, german and italian.
About the child...
How many children would you like? Up to 5.
What gender(s)? Mainly boys, girls if they are siblings.
What age(s)? Under 16.
Any prefered countries? Greece.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes.
Would you like...
--Siblings? Yes.
--Multiples? Yes to all below.
SO1: Nikolas Yanni 42
SO2: Sophia Petra 39
Children: 4
- Calliope Athena "Callie" (19)
- Echo Calanthe (16)
- Aoide Leto "Edie" / Ianthe Pax "Annie" (15)
Pets: Just fish & a hamster named Olympus
Info about your family
Where do you live? Montana
What language do you primarily speak at home? Everyone in our family speaks very good english, but in our house we speak mainly greek. Our children also know french, latin, german and italian.
About the child...
How many children would you like? Up to 5.
What gender(s)? Mainly boys, girls if they are siblings.
What age(s)? Under 16.
Any prefered countries? Greece.
Will you accept a child who doesn't speak your native language? Yes.
Would you like...
--Siblings? Yes.
--Multiples? Yes to all below.
Congradulations Dimitriou Family!
Congrats to Nikolas, Sophia, Callie, Echo, Edie and Annie! Please welcome Midas, Orion, Phocas, Eleftherios and Maria, all from Greece, to your family!
Midas Iosif is 11 years old. He loves sports and dreams of being in the Olympics. His favorite sport is track and field. He has won many medals for it. Midas doesn't know any English, but is eager to learn.

Orion Gregorios is 13 years old. He is very quiet. He likes spending his time studying and reading, and is fluent in 3 languages: Greek, English and Latin. He decided to study something more foreign and is now studying both Swahili and Japanese. He often finds it hard to make friends.Orion's little sister is Maria Despoina and is 4 years old. She loved playing with her doll, "Eleni". She can speak a little Greek, and that's it. Maria and Orion come from a very poor village and Maria is excited to have older sisters.

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Congrats to Nikolas, Sophia, Callie, Echo, Edie and Annie! Please welcome Midas, Orion, Phocas, Eleftherios and Maria, all from Greece, to your family!
Midas Iosif is 11 years old. He loves sports and dreams of being in the Olympics. His favorite sport is track and field. He has won many medals for it. Midas doesn't know any English, but is eager to learn.
Orion Gregorios is 13 years old. He is very quiet. He likes spending his time studying and reading, and is fluent in 3 languages: Greek, English and Latin. He decided to study something more foreign and is now studying both Swahili and Japanese. He often finds it hard to make friends.Orion's little sister is Maria Despoina and is 4 years old. She loved playing with her doll, "Eleni". She can speak a little Greek, and that's it. Maria and Orion come from a very poor village and Maria is excited to have older sisters.
Thank you!
The girls were very excited when they found out we were adopting and they would soon have little brothers or sisters. Like our girls, Midas, Orion, Phocas, Eleftherios and Maria are now being home-schooled. Midas, Phocas and Eleftherios have been learning English and are all doing very well. The rest of their lessons are done in Greek. Maria is still learning Greek, we want her to learn that before anything else. Because Orion was already familliar with English, the older girls are teaching him German and French, he's been helping them learn some of the Swahili and Japanese he already learned.
Midas is doing great, he has joined a track and field team and qualified for regionals. Were very excited for his big race! But Midas finds it hard to make friends outside our home because of the language barrier. We're very sure that in a few more weeks when he is more comfortable in English, that he will be able to make tones of friends!
Orion is very quiet, but he is very intelligent. For the first few weeks, he mainly read books in his room and came downstairs for his schooling. But ever since he's been helping Echo, Edie and Annie learn Swahili and Japanes, he's become much more out-going. He doesn't have very many friends, but has started making friends with some of Echo, Edie and Annie's friends' younger brothers. He's also become close to Midas.
Phocas and Lefteris are doing great. Phocas has been taking art classes at the community centre and has made a few friends. He likes to draw us all little pictures. Our fridge has never been fuller! Lefteris is taking drum lessons. We even got him a drum set. He loves it. He hopes to be in a very famous band one day.
Maria is a sweetheart. We recently found out that just like her brother; Maria is very intelligent. Although she is only 4, she is excelling in grade 1 lesson plans. Her Greek is almost perfect now. Her older sisters love to take her shopping and dress her up. She still brings her doll "Eleni" everywhere.
Thank you again for our 5 new wonderful children!
Love, the Dimitriou family.

The girls were very excited when they found out we were adopting and they would soon have little brothers or sisters. Like our girls, Midas, Orion, Phocas, Eleftherios and Maria are now being home-schooled. Midas, Phocas and Eleftherios have been learning English and are all doing very well. The rest of their lessons are done in Greek. Maria is still learning Greek, we want her to learn that before anything else. Because Orion was already familliar with English, the older girls are teaching him German and French, he's been helping them learn some of the Swahili and Japanese he already learned.
Midas is doing great, he has joined a track and field team and qualified for regionals. Were very excited for his big race! But Midas finds it hard to make friends outside our home because of the language barrier. We're very sure that in a few more weeks when he is more comfortable in English, that he will be able to make tones of friends!
Orion is very quiet, but he is very intelligent. For the first few weeks, he mainly read books in his room and came downstairs for his schooling. But ever since he's been helping Echo, Edie and Annie learn Swahili and Japanes, he's become much more out-going. He doesn't have very many friends, but has started making friends with some of Echo, Edie and Annie's friends' younger brothers. He's also become close to Midas.
Phocas and Lefteris are doing great. Phocas has been taking art classes at the community centre and has made a few friends. He likes to draw us all little pictures. Our fridge has never been fuller! Lefteris is taking drum lessons. We even got him a drum set. He loves it. He hopes to be in a very famous band one day.
Maria is a sweetheart. We recently found out that just like her brother; Maria is very intelligent. Although she is only 4, she is excelling in grade 1 lesson plans. Her Greek is almost perfect now. Her older sisters love to take her shopping and dress her up. She still brings her doll "Eleni" everywhere.
Thank you again for our 5 new wonderful children!
Love, the Dimitriou family.

This message was edited 10/16/2007, 6:18 PM