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Congrats Sign-up
I've been bored lately, so I'd like to host a new game of Congrats. There will be five rounds and I'll try to post everyday (though this may not always be possible). For my game, I'll allow you to use spelling variants. For example, if Katherine is a name listed, you could use Catherine. However, you could not use Katharina or Caitlin. So if you're interested, just fill out the form below. Your Name:
Significant Other (if any):
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets)
Number of Rounds:
Any comments or suggestions?-Amy-

This message was edited 8/25/2005, 4:50 PM

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Your Name: Taika Taru ( means "Magic and myth" when put together.)
Significant Other (if any): Sunder Ares (hehe..the closest I could get to "Beautiful Disaster")
Pets? Sure (not many)
Multiples? Sure
Number of Rounds: All
Any comments or suggestions? Just give lots of names to choose from and I'll be very very happy. :)-Seda*
~The Kelley Episodes~

Man at the store: Who's older?
Keren: Me.
Man: (to Essie) Why aren't you older?
Essie: Because I pushed him.
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Your Name: Christine Ellen
Significant Other (if any): N/A at the moment
Pets? One Cat
Multiples? One set of twins (in last round preferably)
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions? Could you include some non-English/American names in each round? Some ethnic variety might be interesting :-)
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.

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I've never played before, but I'd like to give it a try.. :)Your Name: Amber
Significant Other (if any): David "Dave"
Pets? no
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) yes
Number of Rounds: 4
Any comments or suggestions?
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Your Name:Bethany
Significant Other (if any):Stephen
Pets? yes
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets)yes
Number of Rounds: 5
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Your Name: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
Significant Other (if any): Sean Robert
Pets? yes
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) yes
Number of Rounds: as many as your doing
Any comments or suggestions? I know it is your congrats and you make the final decision but I dont like playing when the person only puts like crazy names. Those are nice but its always nice to have names like Sarah and Matthew to pick from too.I cant wait!Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Don't worry. I'll try to have a nice variety of names. :-) Sean Robert is my brother's name, btw. -Amy-
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I'll make up names for this one.Your Name: Isabelle Louisa Jane
Significant Other: John William "Jack"
Pets? Golden Retriever, Hank.
Multiples? sure
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions? I like your idea for spelling variations :)
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Your pet will be assigned to you randomly (unless specified - I can give you a dog if you'd like) and I'll have a list of names for you to choose from. :-)-Amy-
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Pets: yes
mutiples: yes just twins one set
all the rounds
Coments:congrats for doing a congrats!*Jessica*
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Your Name: Ruiz D'arbly
Significant Other (if any): Jaret D'arbly
Pets? One fish: "The Brow"
Multiples? Yes
Number of Rounds: 5 Thanks. :-)
- Maria


Cartman: I'm not fat! I'm festively plump.

This message was edited 8/26/2005, 6:03 AM

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Your pet will be assigned to you randomly (unless specified - I can give you a fish if you'd like) and I'll have a list of names for you to choose from. :-)-Amy-
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See, I thought you meant "Do we have any pets?"...sorry! :-)
- Maria


Cartman: I'm not fat! I'm festively plump.
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Your Name: Sanja
Significant Other (if any): Daniel
Pets? Yes
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets)Yes
Number of Rounds: all
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Your Name: Hannah
Significant Other (if any): None
Pets? Yes
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) Yes, and a lot of them!
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions? Sometimes it's fun if you use a lot of different name styles in one round!
~ Hannah
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Your Name: Elise
Significant Other (if any):
Pets? : Rylee and Louis - dogs
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets): yes
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions?: Make sure there's modern names included please!
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Hopefully, I'll be able to post it later tonight. Also, your pets will be assigned to you randomly (unless specified) and I'll have a list of names for you to choose from. :-)-Amy-
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When does it start?
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Your Name: Evadne Jane 'Evy'
Significant Other (if any): Alberic Robin 'Alby'
Pets? Sure (but not cats)
Multiples? Ok
Number of Rounds: All
Any comments or suggestions?
~ * ~ Evy ~ * ~
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Your Name: Sandra
Significant Other (if any): Harry
Pets? Ok.
Multiples? Ok.
Number of Rounds: 5.
Any comments or suggestions? Nope.

"I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."
Mae West
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Your Name: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
Significant Other (if any): David Spencer
Pets?: No thanks
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets): Yes
Number of Rounds: all 5 please
Any comments or suggestions: Try to have a variety of names and quite a few names to choose from. It's sometimes hard to choose combos if there aren't any names that you like or there are names that have been duplicated from other rounds (although some duplication is okay). Also, it's easier if you post the names of all the children from previous rounds so we don't duplicate the names of siblings.

*~*Jennifer Nicole*~*
Ariella Michelle Rene, Janna Cristina Rose, Zoe Melina Laine
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
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I was already planning on doing both. :-) -Amy-
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Your Name: Rebecca Simone
Significant Other (if any): Pierre Jacques
Pets? Only dogs
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) Yes please
Number of Rounds: all
Any comments or suggestions?
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
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Your Name: Megan Michele
Significant Other (if any): Brandon Joshua
Pets?: Yes
Multiples?: Yes
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions?: Nope!
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Your Name: Skye Morgan
Significant Other (if any): Logan Raymond
Pets? No
Multiples? No more than one set of twins
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions?
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Your Name: Hannah
Significant Other (if any): Robert
Pets? Yes
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) Yes
Number of Rounds: All
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Your Name: Jessica
Significant Other: Shane
Pets? Yes
Multiples? Yes
Number of Rounds: all
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Your Name: Julia
Significant Other (if any): Jesse
Pets? no thank you!
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets): yes
Number of Rounds: all 5 please!
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias

This message was edited 8/25/2005, 7:46 PM

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Your Name: Topaz Eleanor
Significant Other (if any): Cullen Gregory
Pets? yes
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) yes
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions? n/a
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Your Name: Elisabeth
Significant Other (if any): James
Pets? no
Multiples? no
Number of Rounds: 3
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Your Name: Elizabeth Josephina
Significant Other (if any): Matthew Paige
Pets? Sure
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets): of course
Number of Rounds: Too the limit.
Any comments or suggestions? Please keep posting them on time! I hate it when I have to wait :P
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Your Name: Claire
Significant Other (if any): Daniel
Pets? yes
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) Sure :)
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions? thanks for hosting the game :)--
...i remember a song
like in a dream
where september was long
and winter unreal...
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Your Name: Stacey
Significant Other (if any): Mike
Pets? No
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets)yes
Number of Rounds: all
Any comments or suggestions?__________________________________________________
Proud Adopter of 20 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana"
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Your Name: Lisa
Significant Other: Chris
Pets: Yes
Multiples: No
Number of Rounds: 5
My Babies !!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
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Your Name: Claire
Significant Other (if any): Nick
Pets? none
Multiples? none
Number of Rounds: all!
Any comments or suggestions? erm, none that I can think of
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Your Name: Kendra Clementine
Significant Other (if any): Morgan Ballad
Pets? Sure, why not
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) Yes, since there are no more than triplets.
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions? I love that you can change the spellings!
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site:
Pillar rocks!Phoebe: I need your help.
Cole: You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
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Your Name: Jen
Multiples? yes
Number of Rounds: as many as you do!~Mom to Marilyn Alisandra(May 15th, 2005)~
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Your Name: Lena London
Significant Other (if any): Bran Cadogan
Pets? none
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets): no thanks
Number of Rounds: all
Any comments or suggestions? ·•·Eliza·•·
(See PPs in profile)
I'm in love with learning.

This message was edited 8/25/2005, 5:08 PM

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Your Name: Lisa
Significant Other (if any): Cory
Pets? no
Multiples? yes, but only one set
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions?
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Your Name: Reagan
Significant Other (if any): Shawn
Pets? yes please
Multiples? (I won't do any more than triplets) sure
Number of Rounds: 5
Any comments or suggestions?

This message was edited 8/25/2005, 8:30 PM

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Your Name: Chelsea
Significant Other: Jesse
Pets? Yes, please
Multiples? Just twins
Number of Rounds: All 5
Any comments or suggestions? Thanks for hosting a game
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