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Re: Nikki's Congrats Round 10
in reply to a message by Nikki
UN: sarah lee
LN: Poole
DW: Hermione Antonia Poole (51)
DH: Riley Dalton Poole (55)
DD: Avalon Sarah Poole (30)
--Dbf: Elliot Jonathan Van Rossum (33)
---DS: Nolan Elliott Reid Van Rossum (11)
---DD: Sabrina Lydia Ruth Van Rossum (8)
DD: Delia Rachel Poole (28)
--DH: Ronan Arthur Bokor (29)
---DS: Patrick Clemmens Bokor (5)
---DD: Mélanie Rosemarie Bokor (3)
---DS: Ian Alexander Bokor
DS/DD: Leo Michael Poole / Love Elizabeth Poole (25)
--Leo's DW: Jacqueline Leona Smith Poole (23)
---DD/DD: Salama Karoline Aileana Poole / Sahirah Katrine Annabella Poole
DD: Jezebel Charlotte Poole (18)
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