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Re: Nikki's Congrats Round 10
in reply to a message by Nikki
LN: Garofolo
DW: Luna Isadora Garofolo (51)
DH: Kian Maddox Garofolo (53)
DD: Astrid Ofelia Winther (30)
--DH: Heath Darcy Winther (32)
---DS: Damon Kiel Winther (11)
---DS: Etienne Callum Winther (8)
DD: Luisa Yasmeen Garofolo (28)
--DH: Bastian Kieran Sonnen-Novak (31)
---DS: Soren Thorsten Sonnet-Novak (5)
---DS: Robert Pastor Sonnet-Novak (3)
DS/DS: Alexei Cormac Garofolo / Maxen Emrys Garofolo (25)
--Alexei's DW: Lysandra Frida Gorofolo (24)
---DD/DD: Else Grette Katrine / Marete Sofie Malene
--Maxen's DW: Fahmida Eithne Gorofolo (23)
---DD: Sahirah Amarnah Myrrh
DD: Esme Freya Garofolo (18)
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