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Re: Congrats Round THREE
in reply to a message by MelH
Summer Jeana & Christopher Jacob
DD: Josephine Evelyn Danielle "Joey"
DS: Damian Julian Autumn
DD: Charlotte Shelby Kerstin "Charlie"DDog: FraxWe brought home our second baby girl last week. Her name is Charlotte Shelby Kerstin, and she has bright blue eyes and strawberry blond hair. Charlie is welcomed home by her 5 year old sister and 3 year old brother and they both adore her. The two even made a poster to hang over her crib!
Joey, now in kindergarten, is so bright and loves reading, but beove all, she loves cameras... Chris bought her a bright pink barbie camera for her 4th birthday and she has used up so much film... it amazes me at how patient she is and how well her pictures turn out. She always has the strap around her neck and loves caputing everything. And now that Charlie is here, she loves being our baby photographer! Her friends Ethan and Martin, both neighbor boys, are also subjected to most of the pictures, and most are great action shots. Frax as well gets in alot of the photos and he loves to follow her everywhere... especially when her, Ethan, and Martin go out to play ball at the park. Which leads me to say that Joey is now in Tee-Ball!
Damian is now 3 and is in preschool that he loves! He enjoys reading and drawing, as well as playing ball with Chris and Joey and running around outside with Frax. Damian also loves swimming and often sneaks into the family pool unsupervised, much to our dismay... but he hasn't gotten hurt so far and is quite the swimmer!
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
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