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Re: Lucky's Congrats Signups
in reply to a message by Lucky
Username: Ashley
Last Name: Soricci
DH: Giovanni Ricardo 'Gio'
-Age: 30
-Description: Professional and well kept, works in the city as a lawyer. He and his wife Melanie live in New York. He is 100% Italian and likes to cook and play golf. He has dark hair and tan skin as well as brown eyes.
DW: Melanie Amelia Fisher [Fisher is her maiden name]
-Age: 28
-Description: Also is a well kept person with a professional appearance and style. She is tan with dark hair and eyes. She works in the city as well, but is taking time off to raise their family. Loves golfing and swimming leisurely laps in the pool.
Number of rounds you would like to play: As many as you are offering!
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