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Re: You Say, You Think
This is my son: Romeo "Rome"
You Say: Like Romeo and Juliet?
You Think: Like the rapper?This is my son: Tristan
You Say: Excellent name.
You Think: I used that in my story!!!This is my son: Paris
You Say: Okay...
You Think: Parlez-vous francais?This is my daugther: Isolde
You Say: How do you pronounce it?
You Think: It's good but how do you pronounce it?This is my daugther: Paradis [prn: paradee or paradiss]
You Say: I like it.
You Think: Paradise?This is my son: Michelangelo "Michael"
You Say: Michelangelo! The painter! Excellent namesake!
You Think: Da Vinci? Wait...
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