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Re: Congrats Round 5
Updating at last! Btw, my relatives live in Asheville. DH: Dominic Oliver
DW: Amy Ellen
DS: Benjamin CharlesBen
DD/DD: Mary Andrea / Alexandra VictoriaAllie
DS: Ian Richard
Mdog: Toby
DD: Miranda Gabrielle
DD/DD/DD: Caroline Marissa "Carrie" / Julia Madeline "Julie" / Elizabeth Christina "Lizzie" Dominic and I are delighted to announce the birth of our THREE new daughters Caroline Marissa, Julia Madeline, and Elizabeth Christina. (We plan on calling them Carrie, Julie, and Lizzie.) Ben and Ian are disappointed - they wanted more brothers. Mary, Allie, and Miranda love their new sister though. Allie is especially a big help. We're all getting along pretty well. Ben will be in fourth grade. He's a wonderful artist and loves to read. Mary and Allie are starting second grade. Mary is a terrific athlete, while Allie is a complete girly-girl. Ian is beginning pre-school. He's a bit nervous, but we're sure he'll do fine. Miranda is three and she loves to play with our dog, Toby. -Amy-

"Somebody has to save our skins!" -Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars:

This message was edited 8/8/2005, 4:36 PM

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