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Re: Congrats Round 5
DH: Alejandro
DW: Auria
DS: James Christopher
DD/DS: Hannah Britney / Dustin Patrick
DD: Olivia Shannon
Fdog: Sasha (German Shepherd)
DS: Joshua Victor
DS/DD/DD: Ethan Thomas/ Madeleine Elizabeth/ Natalie Alexis wow 3 more children!! i think we'd better plan on filling in the back
porch and adding on to the second story of the house above the porch, and another bathroom, its been hectic with only one. when we found out we were expecting again we told the children right away, give them time to prepare for another sibling. but when the ultrasound confirmed that we'd be having 3 we were in shock. the kids took it pretty well. olivia the 4 yr old likes playing with her baby dolls and i dont think she and victor quite understand. james, hannah, and dustin remeber when victor was a baby and all the fuss there was. we explain to them how much we love them and soon there would be 3 more to love just as much. we involve the kids as much as we can with the babies. once a week i get my mother or cousin to babysit for me and i take one kid out and do whatever they want to do, some time to be by themselves just with mommy and or daddy. just to update you on how everyone is. james has taken a liking to playing basketball and has joined a little team at school, he still keeps with his produce garden, he likes havinghis own money, especially since we dont give allowances for doing basic chores that need done. dustin is doing very well in his bowling. he joined the local YABA league at the bowling ally, his highest game is a 150. he had hoped to beat my brothers score, he bowled a 166 when he was 6(this statement is true its not just something made up for this story)) Hannah enjoys growing and picking her flowers, we just got finished painting her side of the room with flowers and butterflys.
olivia loves to follow her big sis around, hannah gets anoyed sometimes but they dont fight too much. they love playing in their playhouse. as for victor he likes to play with his brothers alot
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