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Re: Congrats Round 5
DH: Andrew Stephen
DW: Elizabeth Josephine
DS: Nicholas ChristopherColin
DD/DD: Alexandra Mary / Michelle Victoria “Mischa”
DD: Anna Kathryn
Mdog: Max (Beagle)
DD: Miranda Jacqueline
DS/DS/DS: David Andrew, Christian Isaac and Ethan AndrewNicholas is now 9, nearly a fourth grader, and is excited beyond beleif to have more boys in the house. Alexandra and Mishca are seven, and are delighed by the idea of babies, but are starting to get a bit annoyed with the smell, crying, diapers etc. Anna Kathryn is always willing to play with them, and is very gentle.
Miranda is three, and is a bit upset about the attention given to the triplets. Max as always, is a great adjuster, and is great with the babies. Andrew on the other hand is still in a bit of shock that our offspring just grew 50%!

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