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Re: Congrats Round 5
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan JaeDD: Emily Elizabeth
DS/DD: Nathan Michael / Hannah Nicole
DS: Christian Jared
DS: Gabriel Stephen
DD/DD/DS: Haley Alexandra / Kaitlyn Rebecca "Kate" / Devin CalebMdog: Charlie (Yorkshire Terrier)Shawn and I are well on our way to starting our own football team! Haley Alexandra, Kaitlyn Rebecca "Kate", and Devin Caleb were born on June 5, 1996, all weighing 4 pounds (remarkably!) They were a month premature and had to remain in the NICU for two weeks, but they are finally home and our family couldn't be happier.Emily, who turns nine next month, has just finished the third grade and has many friends at school. She was very excited when we announced we were going to have triplets and was thrilled when we discovered that two of them were girls. Nathan and Hannah, seven in October, will be starting second grade in the fall and are very excited because they are not, as Nathan puts it, "little kids anymore." The twins were somewhat less enthusiastic about the new arrivals, but they are coming around and have even offered to help take care of them (but not change their diapers!). Christian is now four and, ever the comedian, innocently asked Shawn during my pregnancy if "Mommy is going to get fat and eat weird stuff again". Gabriel, now three, has remained the quiet one of the family and loves to draw and color. He likes the fact that he isn't the youngest anymore and has become a very protective big brother. And good ole Charlie, our Yorkshire Terrier, has taken a particular liking to the triplets; Emily even taught him how to swing their rockers with his paw!

This message was edited 8/7/2005, 9:52 PM

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