Norah's Adoption Agency
Welcome! Many of you have received some wonderful children from Norah's Adoption Agency, and we have more great children that need homes! Also a reminder, if you have received children at one of my agency's posts below, please update us! We really want to know how the children we gave to you are doing.If you would like up to four children, please fill out the forms below:FAMILY:
Last name:
DW: (name, age, hobbies, profession)
DH: (name, age, hobbies, profession)
Children: (name, age, disabilities, hobbies)
Others living with you?
Pets: (name, species)
Other info?ADOPTION:
# of children: (up to four)
Teen parents? If so mother or father?
Pregnant teens? If so how many?
Other preferences?
Other info?Thank you for taking our children into your homes!
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DW: Kristy, 39, principal at high school, reading, writting, listenig to music, walkind, gardening, entertaining kids
DH: Mike, 43, assistant principal at high school, gardening, cooking, working out, entertaining kids.
-Stacy, 24, neonadle nurse, playing with Sophia, talking with Josh, reading and cooking.
-Josh is Stacy's husband, 27, pedeatrician, cuddling Sophia, flirting with Stacy, doing yardwoork and remodeling the house.
-Sophia is Stacy and Josh's child, 1 1/2, singing, walking, eating anything she can.
-Johana, 7, loves trying to teach Sophia to talk, likes to act like her older sister Stacy and enjoys learning.
-Jake, 2, is best friends with Sophia, likes showing Sophia how to do stuff and puts everything in his mouth he can find.
-Jack, 9 months, cries, eats, poops, laughs and that's pritty much about it.
Pets: 3 year old cocker spaniel dog named Snicker
Religion: christian
Others living with you? Just listed above
Other info? live in a large house with 8 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, an office, a playroom, 2 living rooms, 1 family yard and a great yard that leads into a lake.ADOPTION:
# of kids: 2
Multiples? Up to?sure, 2
Siblings?just the 2
Disablities: don't care, just not life threatening
Other preferences?no
Open or closed?open
Other info?none
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Shayla Raye and Brandi Jo are one year old twins from the Bronx. They are African American, and very bubbly. Their mother and father are very poor, and felt they could not handle the financial responsibility of the girls, but they would very much like to remain in contact with Shayla and Brandi. Please keep us posted!
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Last name: Woodard
DW: Jacquelyn Elisa (36, history and travel, historian)
DH: Theodore Graham (37, baseball and new, lawyer)
DD: Elizabeth Chelsea (12, singing and painting)
DS: Benjamin Griffen (11, soccer and track)
DD: Catherine Penelope (10, ballet and tennis)
Others living with you? Evelyn Olivia Little (our nanny)
Pets: Royal (cat)
Other info? none ADOPTION:
# of children: (up to four) 2
Ages: 6-9
Genders: any
Siblings? yes
Multiples? yes
Teen parents? If so mother or father? no
Pregnant teens? If so how many? no
Other preferences? no disabilities
Other info? none
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We have found a delightful set of twins for you!Eve Rochelle and Luna Starr are eight year old twins who really need a good home. Both were abandoned at birth, and have always wanted a mother and a father. Eve loves to dance and sing and wants to be a Broadway star. Luna prefers reading, and plans on becoming an inventor.Please keep us posted!
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Last name: Blake
DW: (name, age, hobbies, profession)Cleo, 41, reading, chess, coaching softball, lawyer
DH: (name, age, hobbies, profession)Alec,42, basketball, active in church, swimming, accountant
Children: (name, age, disabilities, hobbies)Triplets age 11, Mollie Rose, Charlotte Hope, Anneliese Grace. Mollie and Charlote both love softball, but Anneliese is a swimmer.
Others living with you? nope
Pets: (name, species)Augie (Cocker Spaniel)
Other info? We live in the United StatesADOPTION:
# of children: (up to four)four
Ages: doesn't matter
Genders: either
Siblings? yes
Multiples? yes
Teen parents? If so mother or father? mother
Pregnant teens? If so how many? yes, not more than one
Other preferences? from an english-speaking country, but not the U.S.
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Eliana Denise is a seventeen year old girl with a four year old son named James Brady (he goes by Jamie). She is very responsible and loves her son very much. The two of them had been living on her own since her parents disowned her when she had the child. We found them and Eliana was very reluctant to come with us - she is very independant. Eliana has a hard time letting anyone help her with anything. She is very good at the piano, but stopped lessons. Jamie wants to play the piano too, and he is unusually good for his age. Eliana is his teacher, and she is a perfectionist. They have a very good relationship. They are both from the UK.David Emir and his twin brother Curtis Anando are twin eleven year olds. Their mother was English, but their father hailed from India. David likes sports, and is very popular. Curtis is more reserved and shy, and excels in school - though not in athletics. Both boys are very sweet.Please keep us posted on the children!
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Dear Norah's Adoption Agency,
Thank you so much for placing Eliana, Jamie, David, and Curt with us! David and Curt have already made great friends with the triplets. David has been put into Charlotte's fifth grade class while Curtis is with Mollie and Anneliese. We've signed David up for soccer right now and a summer baseball team. "Curtis" decided that his name is too "British", and has asked to be called Curt instead. (This might be because there are three other David's in fifth grade, but no other Curtis's.)He is doing excellent in school and has been placed in the accelerated program. Eliana is doing great, and helps me and Alec around the house. We've discovered that she has allergies to dogs, and so we've given Augie to my sister. She's resumed piano lessons, and I'm homeschooling her. She's applied for a piano scholarships to several different music colleges here in America. Jamie is a darling, and has joined Alec's swim team. (Did I mention that he coaches?) He has made friends with the little boy down the street, Caleb.
Love From,

This message was edited 4/21/2007, 4:13 PM

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Last name: Caruick
DW: Jessica, 23, in college to become a doctor, cooking, reading, sewing and working out.
DH: Warren, 57, retired, golfing, and reading Sports Illustrated.
Children: Martha, 7, grouchy like her dad, loves to yell at people.
Others living with you? Warren's dad James, 100 and Jessica's mom Brittney, 46. James can barely move, because of health issues, but still loves playing ping pong and Brittney works out every day and looks as younge as her daughter.
Pets: Hammie and Bacon both pigs who are in love with each other.
Other info? NoneADOPTION:
# of children: four
Ages: 0-20
Genders: any
Siblings? just the four
Multiples? no
Teen parents? If so mother or father? sure either
Pregnant teens? If so how many? sure any
Other preferences? some younge some older teens.
Other info? none
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Aphrodite Deidre [19], Drew Phillip [20], Phillip Emmett [3]
These three are a family. Aphrodite and Drew are the parents of Emmett, and really want to get married. Aphrodite enjoys playing with Phillip, and Phillip enjoys following around older children and his mom and dad. Drew loves sports magazines - almost as much as he loves Aphrodite and Phillip. He also likes playing the guitar and is very good. His parents died three years ago and he is really excited to be able to have parents again. Aphrodite's single dad abused her and she was taken away by Child Protective Services when she was twelve. That was when she went to live with Phillip.Eight year old Marci Pandora is the little sister of Drew, and loves him and Aphrodite very much. She is a bit jealous of Phillip because of the attention he gets from Drew, but she loves him too. She enjoys playing with stuffed animals, and is excited to have a new mom and dad - though she realizes that no one will ever replace her real parents.Please keep us posted!
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thank you! well, i've got to say, it is a bit strange having a child only 3 years younger than you, but we actually act like sibblings. Warren is more like the parent just bacause he can get the kids attention. Aphrodite and Drew have gotten married in Paris and they are expecting triplets. They are going to be great parents with those three children. Phillip and Marci hace become great friends and do everything together. Phillip actually calls me mom and Aphrodite sister because of the age and calls Warren grandpa. I am actually expecting also so, with Warren, 57, his dad, now 101, my mom, 46, me, 23, Aphrodite, 19, Drew, 20, Phillip, 2, Marci, 5, Martha, 7, our house is going to fall soon so, we just bought a mansion that is very small, only 20 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms a pool, on the Atlantic ocean. There we will continue our family and Warren and i will have many more children. My mom is actually due in 2 days and she is having twin girls. So, with three babies on the way, our house will be full of diapers, babies crying and babies eating. So, well keep you posted on how things go in a few weeks with all the kids!
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DH: Mason, 23, photographer
DW: Ryleigh, 21, psychiatrist
~AS: Ashton Spencer, 17
~AD/AD: Bethanna Coleen "Beth", 16/ Mickayla Hilary "Ayla", 16
~~AGS:Ewan Conley, 2 days (son of Beth and Ashton)
~AS: Mathias "Mattie", 16
~AS: Laurent, 16, deaf
~AS: Lee Thomas, 15
~AD: Lakisha Faye "Keke", 14
~~AGS: Kaloyan Adair "Ace", 4 days (son of Lee and Keke)
~AD/AD/AS: Lucinda "Luci"/ Lunelle "Luna"(dyslexic)/ Lucas, 14
~AD: Manon, 12, suffers from mild depression
~AD: Leah, 11, deaf
~AS: Marco "Marc", 10
~AS: KayShawn "Shawn", 9, PTSD
~AD/AS: Wednesday "Wendy" & Edison "Eddie", 6
~AD/AD: Melanie & Phoebe, 6, Phoebe is blind
~AD: Chyna, 3
~German Shepards: Sergei (M) and Valkyrie (F)
~Tabby cats: Genesis (F) and Max (M)
~Three horses: Blackie (F), Bubba (M), and Nika (F)
Religion: Currently all members are Christian but we welcome people of all faiths and will still allow them to practice it if they choose.
Others living with you? My 6 year old neice Kennedy.
Other info? Family hobbies: basketball, musical instruments, anything outside, ice skating, singing, art [drawing, painting, sculpting, and even coloring], world traveling, and much more...We also live on 27 acres with a huge house.ADOPTION:
# of kids: Surprise me!
Genders: Surprise me.
Ages: Surprise me.
Siblings: Yes, and best friends
Multiples: Up to quads
Pregnant teens: Yes, and the fathers 17& under
Teen moms: Yes, and the father 17 & under
Countries: Any
Disablities: any and all
Other preferences?: I would prefer multiples and children who speak languages other than French, Italian, English, or Sign Language.
Other info?: I will take children with pets of any kind. I would also like one or two of the kids to be selective mutes.

This message was edited 4/21/2007, 2:54 PM

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Angela Dianne and Steven Henry are seventeen and in love. Angela is now pregnant with Steven's baby. Angela adores being with Steven, and vice versa. The two of them enjoy outdoor sports, and Angela loves sailing. Francine was born in France, though she has lived in Portugal all of her life. She is fifteen, and has a three week old baby with her boyfriend Etienne, who is sixteen. They are both good, kind people. unfortunately about a month before giving birth, Francine's single father died, causing her to sink into a deep depression that almost cost her life and the child's. She does not speak, even to Everett, though they are still in love - and claim that they always will be. Etienne enjoys soccer, and wants to go pro someday. Francine loves to cook, and would be glad to help you with the children whenever you need it.Please keep us updated on the kids! Thanks!
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Last Name: Dillon
DW: Elissa Emeline, 33. Work as a teacher and like honest people. Dislike war.
DH: Ryan Oliver, 35. Work as a estate agent and he likes play football and watching videos. He really dislike to loose and snow.
DS/DS/DS: Theodore Issac "Theo" / Jaden Zachary / Raven Isabelle, 19. Ryans three child from his first girlfriend and they love everyting
--Ravens DH: Isaiah Robert Miller
---------------DS: Daniel Camden Miller (nb)
DS: Caspian Noah, 17. Likes to be with his friend and he dislikes school.
DS: Luke William, 14. He love to swim but hate to read and his homeworks.
DD/DS: Ofelia Tamsin, 10. Loves to draw animals and she dislikes when Caspian brakes her toys. Gabriel Julian, twin to Ofelia. He love toy guns and hate bad weather because he can't be outside then.
AD: Georgia Anne Peters, 17. Loves to danc,sing and play outside.
AS: Steven Thomas Peters, 14. Enjoys watching sports on television. Nate the nn Steve.
AS: Emmett Joshua Wright,19. Loves to play hockey and just chill with his friends. He also loves when he get a new letter form his real mom.
---GF: Melissa Simone Gilman (17)
DD: Esther Alivia, 5. Love to play with the other kids.
AD: Shana Elodie, 18
--exBF: Jeremy Harold Adams (24)
----DS: Alexander Ryan "Alex" (3)
AS: Christopher James, 12 "Topher"
AS/AD: Jacob Harrison / Lucia Rose, 7Pets: No, our dog Rafael just died
Religion: none
Others living with you? nobody
Other info? noADOPTION:
# of kids: 4
Genders: any
Ages: 0-8 and/or 13-15
Countries: any
Disablities: no
Other preferences? no
Open or closed? any?
Other info? noADOPTION:
# of children: 4
Ages: 0-15
Genders: any
Siblings? no (only multi..)
Multiples? yes
Teen parents? If so mother or father? yes. Mother or father doesn't matter
Pregnant teens? If so how many? yes, 1 or two
Other preferences? no
Other info? no
Elissa and Ryan
Theo, Jaden, Raven, Caspian, Luke, Ofelia, Gabriel, Georgia, Steven, Emmett, Esther, Shana, Topher, Jacob and LuciaRaven and Isaiah with their son DanielEmmett and Melissa
Shana and her son Alex
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Breah and her boyfriend Luke are preparing for her baby, which is due in a few weeks. They are both fifteen, and very nervous about this. Breah loves to sing and dance, and Luke is very smart. He has been on his high school math team, though he dropped out of high school to be with Breah for the birth. Leticia (Letty) is fourteen years old with a baby boy of two months. His name is Marcus, and she loves him more than anything. Though she doesn't like to remember the rape, she is very glad to have a child. Letty enjoys cooking, especially making soups, and playing field hockey. Marcus is a year old, and loves following around older children, especially his mom.Please keep us updated!
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Thank you!Leticia is doing very well and she doesn't complains about anything!
She also loves that Breah and Luke lives with us because they have a child and is in the same age as her.Breah and Luke had their daughter one week ago. They named her Skye Elise and she is really cute!
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