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Re: Mar's Congrats Game (round 7)
in reply to a message by Mar
LN: Davies-William
DH: Roman Conrad
DW: Arwen Odile
DD/DS: Junia Iris / Cebrian Thor
DD: Galadriel Magaera
DS: Angelos Ryota
AS/AS/AS: Spyridon Takashi / Akakios Kenshin / Kronos Saburo
DS: Taranis Zephyr
DD/DD/DS/DS/DS/DD/DD: Jadzia Valentine / Leda Jocasta / Magnus Royce / Oberon Marius / Remus Orion / Sotiria Luned / Vita SostrateLN: MacLaine
DH: Gregor Edwin
DW: Junia Iris
DD: Colette AlessandraMy favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean.
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