in reply to a message by TheArthurs
ln: Sutton
dh: Solomon David
dw: Sasha Noelle
dd: Serena Michelle
dd: Shemara Nicole
dd/dd: Sora Li and Skye Anika
ds/ds: Seth Tyriq and Salem Travis
ds: Sampson Hunter
ds: Shannon Riley
ds/dd/dd/ds/dd: Seamus Tyler, Sera Wendy, Sylvi Rachel, Stephen Isaac and Sailor Rose
ds: Spinsor Alan
dd: Synthia Laura
ds/dd: Simon Alexus and Sadie Alece
Phew, that's a mouthful!
dh: Solomon David
dw: Sasha Noelle
dd: Serena Michelle
dd: Shemara Nicole
dd/dd: Sora Li and Skye Anika
ds/ds: Seth Tyriq and Salem Travis
ds: Sampson Hunter
ds: Shannon Riley
ds/dd/dd/ds/dd: Seamus Tyler, Sera Wendy, Sylvi Rachel, Stephen Isaac and Sailor Rose
ds: Spinsor Alan
dd: Synthia Laura
ds/dd: Simon Alexus and Sadie Alece
Phew, that's a mouthful!