Re: CAF with questions
in reply to a message by JHG812
FATHER: Choose your favorite name of these four.
Alexander - Line one.
Tobias Jack "Toby"
MOTHER: What is your favorite type of book genre?
Fantasy - line one
Cassandra Lily "Cassie"
DAUGHTER*: What's your favorite movie genre?
Documentary/biography - line three
Sara Jennifer
SON: What is your favorite color of these?
Violet, red, or pink: line two
Adam Rowan
Surname: Beckett
Toby, Cassie, Sara, and Adam Beckett.
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
Alexander - Line one.
Tobias Jack "Toby"
MOTHER: What is your favorite type of book genre?
Fantasy - line one
Cassandra Lily "Cassie"
DAUGHTER*: What's your favorite movie genre?
Documentary/biography - line three
Sara Jennifer
SON: What is your favorite color of these?
Violet, red, or pink: line two
Adam Rowan
Surname: Beckett
Toby, Cassie, Sara, and Adam Beckett.
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias