Re: CAF with questions
in reply to a message by Casey
A stray puppy or kitten: FN a feline meaning, MN starts with a 'J'-Ari Jacob
Your friends are taking you out for your birthday. Where would you rather go?
To a nice resturant: FN a Bible name, MN Italian-Anna Sofia
Harry Potter (and you're not ashamed to admit it!): DD/DD/DD/DS/DS FN from the name bank, MN "twinny" (or "quinty", if you prefer)-Anya Joy/Susannah Abigail/Victoria Rina/Xander Ron/Charles Liron
So, we've caught you watching a talk show. What is it?
Oprah: DD/DD FN a surname, MN a flower name-Mackenzie Rose "Rose"/Madison Lily "Lily"
You're on a rush to get out of the mall but take time to buy one thing. What is it?
A book/magazine: DS FN kre8tivlee spelled, MN has a King and Queen of Norway namesake-Mykkel Rory
You're going for an ice cream. What do you choose?
An ice cream cone: DD FN from Near Eastern Mythology, MN Japanese-Lilith Amaya "Amaya"
A stray puppy or kitten: FN a feline meaning, MN starts with a 'J'-Ari Jacob
Your friends are taking you out for your birthday. Where would you rather go?
To a nice resturant: FN a Bible name, MN Italian-Anna Sofia
Harry Potter (and you're not ashamed to admit it!): DD/DD/DD/DS/DS FN from the name bank, MN "twinny" (or "quinty", if you prefer)-Anya Joy/Susannah Abigail/Victoria Rina/Xander Ron/Charles Liron
So, we've caught you watching a talk show. What is it?
Oprah: DD/DD FN a surname, MN a flower name-Mackenzie Rose "Rose"/Madison Lily "Lily"
You're on a rush to get out of the mall but take time to buy one thing. What is it?
A book/magazine: DS FN kre8tivlee spelled, MN has a King and Queen of Norway namesake-Mykkel Rory
You're going for an ice cream. What do you choose?
An ice cream cone: DD FN from Near Eastern Mythology, MN Japanese-Lilith Amaya "Amaya"