Re: Congrats Round 7
in reply to a message by SwtNikki87
Chelsea Nicole and Mark William
Wyatt Austin
Ava Brielle
Marina Jasmine / Savannah Rorie
Brooke Whitney
Clara Bronwyn
Paige Chloe
DS/DS/DD: Logan Zachary / Holden Robert / Elisabeth Dallas "Bess"
Our triplets were born on May 7 at 11:01, 11:10 and 11:16 in the morning and Wyatt finally has some brothers! Logan Zachary was born first weighing 3lbs, 8oz. He was 16 inches long. Holden Robert followed at 4lbs and 18 inches. Elisabeth Dallas "Bess" was last and weighed 3lbs, 7oz and was 17 inches long.
Chelsea Nicole ~ 1 week and 4 days until my 21st birthday!
Go Cubs!