"Keep or Change?" - Character Name Game
Below are 8 characters from a childrens' story of mine. I've given you a doll, a short description of their character, and finally their name. For each one, tell me to either KEEP! the name, or CHANGE! the name, in which case you give me an alternative name for that character.
Have Fun!
Note: this group of 12-year-old friends were born in Australia in the early 1990s so their names need to fit that time and place (except for Mary, who was born in 1890). The links below are to the top 100 names for boys and girls in part of Australia in the 1990s, to give you an idea of how the popular names differ (slightly) from US names.

NAME: Alexander Seth Watson "Alex"
DESCRIPTION: Alex is a cheerful, easy-going boy. He is very bright and is extremely curious about everything, but particularly about anything involving archaeology. He does well at school, particularly in English and Science. He's generally considered "pretty cool" and has no enemies.

NAME: Bree Louise Olsen "Bree"
DESCRIPTION: Bree is everyone's best friend. She's very easy-going and hardly anything can upset her. She's a confident public speaker, and is always ready with a quick, comic put-down when one of her friends is being obnoxious. She's a bit of a maths whiz and always enjoys logic challenges.

NAME: Celeste Yu-hong Chan "Celeste"
DESCRIPTION: Celeste is very shy, and in some ways a bit young for her age. She's a true science nerd but that balances out in her character with a strong inclination for anything cute and kitteny. She doesn't talk much in big groups, but when she's among her close friends she's a real gigglepuss.

NAME: Connor Angus Gilchrist "Connor"
DESCRIPTION: Connor has a quick temper, but it is mitigated by an irrepressible sense of humour. He's always ready with a joke and his sense of timing is brilliant. He's not particularly clever but he does well enough in school. He gets teased about his hair and his temper, but his good friends always value his company.

NAME: Jack Nigel Kirby "Jack"
DESCRIPTION: Jack is a laid-back boy with a nothing-sticks-to-me attitude. He's perhaps a little too well-aware of his own good looks, but his friends forgive him for it. Because of his casual attitude people expect Jack to be lazy, but he's actually very smart and gets excellent marks without having to try too hard.

NAME: Murray Jacob Naylor "Murray"
DESCRIPTION: Murray, despite his "cool and calm" exterior, is very passionate about his Aboriginal heritage. He is highly imaginative and a talented speaker and storyteller. He's a good scholar, particularly in Social Studies, but his favourite subject is art. He's very sensitive to prejudice of any kind, not just towards his own culture.

NAME: Sianne Elizabeth Tudor "Sianne" (SHAHN)
DESCRIPTION: Kids at school who don't know Sianne very well tend to think of her as a bit of a sook. Sianne has had a difficult childhood, including a stint in the foster care system. She's very sensitive but is good-hearted, generous and warm to all of her friends. While not brilliant at school, she works hard to get good marks. Her passion is music, and she plays the cello.

NAME: Mary Elizabeth Brook "Mary"
DESCRIPTION: Mary appears in this story as the ghost of a girl who died, aged 12, in 1902. Because she has been a ghost for so long, Mary is wise beyond her apparent years, but at the same time she retains the character of a young girl from the early 1900s. She is lively and has a cheeky sense of humour. Some of her beliefs seem weird and old-fashioned to her modern-day, living friends.
Keep or Change? . . . .
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Have Fun!
Note: this group of 12-year-old friends were born in Australia in the early 1990s so their names need to fit that time and place (except for Mary, who was born in 1890). The links below are to the top 100 names for boys and girls in part of Australia in the 1990s, to give you an idea of how the popular names differ (slightly) from US names.

NAME: Alexander Seth Watson "Alex"
DESCRIPTION: Alex is a cheerful, easy-going boy. He is very bright and is extremely curious about everything, but particularly about anything involving archaeology. He does well at school, particularly in English and Science. He's generally considered "pretty cool" and has no enemies.

NAME: Bree Louise Olsen "Bree"
DESCRIPTION: Bree is everyone's best friend. She's very easy-going and hardly anything can upset her. She's a confident public speaker, and is always ready with a quick, comic put-down when one of her friends is being obnoxious. She's a bit of a maths whiz and always enjoys logic challenges.

NAME: Celeste Yu-hong Chan "Celeste"
DESCRIPTION: Celeste is very shy, and in some ways a bit young for her age. She's a true science nerd but that balances out in her character with a strong inclination for anything cute and kitteny. She doesn't talk much in big groups, but when she's among her close friends she's a real gigglepuss.

NAME: Connor Angus Gilchrist "Connor"
DESCRIPTION: Connor has a quick temper, but it is mitigated by an irrepressible sense of humour. He's always ready with a joke and his sense of timing is brilliant. He's not particularly clever but he does well enough in school. He gets teased about his hair and his temper, but his good friends always value his company.

NAME: Jack Nigel Kirby "Jack"
DESCRIPTION: Jack is a laid-back boy with a nothing-sticks-to-me attitude. He's perhaps a little too well-aware of his own good looks, but his friends forgive him for it. Because of his casual attitude people expect Jack to be lazy, but he's actually very smart and gets excellent marks without having to try too hard.

NAME: Murray Jacob Naylor "Murray"
DESCRIPTION: Murray, despite his "cool and calm" exterior, is very passionate about his Aboriginal heritage. He is highly imaginative and a talented speaker and storyteller. He's a good scholar, particularly in Social Studies, but his favourite subject is art. He's very sensitive to prejudice of any kind, not just towards his own culture.

NAME: Sianne Elizabeth Tudor "Sianne" (SHAHN)
DESCRIPTION: Kids at school who don't know Sianne very well tend to think of her as a bit of a sook. Sianne has had a difficult childhood, including a stint in the foster care system. She's very sensitive but is good-hearted, generous and warm to all of her friends. While not brilliant at school, she works hard to get good marks. Her passion is music, and she plays the cello.

NAME: Mary Elizabeth Brook "Mary"
DESCRIPTION: Mary appears in this story as the ghost of a girl who died, aged 12, in 1902. Because she has been a ghost for so long, Mary is wise beyond her apparent years, but at the same time she retains the character of a young girl from the early 1900s. She is lively and has a cheeky sense of humour. Some of her beliefs seem weird and old-fashioned to her modern-day, living friends.
Keep or Change? . . . .
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
This message was edited 6/2/2005, 7:23 AM
Keep them all! Great names to go with everything! The book sounds great!
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site: http://geocities.com/torilimcadle/revolution
Pillar rocks!
!!!! - My munchkins Drew, Scarlett, Delilah, and Marisol.
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site: http://geocities.com/torilimcadle/revolution
Pillar rocks!
!!!! - My munchkins Drew, Scarlett, Delilah, and Marisol.
I would keep them all except maybe for Bree Louise Olsen. Bree Louise would work, but something like Emma, Emily, Molly, Bridget or Grace would fit her better imo. How about Emily Victoria, Emma Grace Olsen, or Grace Victoria Olsen? Or maybe Molly Victoria Olsen, Emily Bridget, Bridget Louise, or Bridget Rebecca Olsen?
I think Alex, Bree, Celeste, Connor, Jack, Murray and Mary suit the characters fine, although maybe Murray and Mary are a little too similar? I think the pronounciation of Sianne suits the character but that Sianne looks a little too much like it should be said 'sigh-anne'. How about just Sian?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Angus, Elvin, "The Brow", River, Orlando, Fritz, Hayden, Hubert, Liza, Angeline, Carmella, Xanthe, Tabea, Clara, Jocasta and Violet.
~~~~~ - Sparkleflower, Moonrain, Honeybud, Twinklesun and Sugarberry.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Angus, Elvin, "The Brow", River, Orlando, Fritz, Hayden, Hubert, Liza, Angeline, Carmella, Xanthe, Tabea, Clara, Jocasta and Violet.
~~~~~ - Sparkleflower, Moonrain, Honeybud, Twinklesun and Sugarberry.
NAME: Alexander Seth Watson "Alex"
Change. I think James Alexander Watson suits him better. With Jamie as a nn.
NAME: Bree Louise Olsen "Bree"
Change. I think she loks more like a Kate. Kate Louise Olsen would be nice.
NAME: Celeste Yu-hong Chan "Celeste"
NAME: Connor Angus Gilchrist "Connor"
Change. He looks more like Brendan Angus.
NAME: Jack Nigel Kirby "Jack"
NAME: Murray Jacob Naylor "Murray"
Change. Jesse Adam Naylor would fit him better.
NAME: Sianne Elizabeth Tudor "Sianne" (SHAHN)
NAME: Mary Elizabeth Brook "Mary"
Change. I think James Alexander Watson suits him better. With Jamie as a nn.
NAME: Bree Louise Olsen "Bree"
Change. I think she loks more like a Kate. Kate Louise Olsen would be nice.
NAME: Celeste Yu-hong Chan "Celeste"
NAME: Connor Angus Gilchrist "Connor"
Change. He looks more like Brendan Angus.
NAME: Jack Nigel Kirby "Jack"
NAME: Murray Jacob Naylor "Murray"
Change. Jesse Adam Naylor would fit him better.
NAME: Sianne Elizabeth Tudor "Sianne" (SHAHN)
NAME: Mary Elizabeth Brook "Mary"
Alexander Seth "Alex": KEEP
Bree Louise Olsen "Bree": CHANGE Natalie Louise Olsen "Natalie"
Celeste Yu-hong Chan "Celeste": CHANGE Erin Yu-hong Chan "Erin"
Connor Angus Gilchrist "Connor": KEEP
Jack Nigel Kirby "Jack": CHANGE John Nigel Kirby "Jack"
Murray Jacob Naylor "Murray": CHANGE Lachlan Jacob Naylor "Lachlan"
Sianne Elizabeth Tudor "Sianne": CHANGE Eliza Catherine Tudor "Eliza"
Mary Elizabeth Brook "Mary": Keep
Nikki :)

Proud Mama! See My Profile!
Bree Louise Olsen "Bree": CHANGE Natalie Louise Olsen "Natalie"
Celeste Yu-hong Chan "Celeste": CHANGE Erin Yu-hong Chan "Erin"
Connor Angus Gilchrist "Connor": KEEP
Jack Nigel Kirby "Jack": CHANGE John Nigel Kirby "Jack"
Murray Jacob Naylor "Murray": CHANGE Lachlan Jacob Naylor "Lachlan"
Sianne Elizabeth Tudor "Sianne": CHANGE Eliza Catherine Tudor "Eliza"
Mary Elizabeth Brook "Mary": Keep
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!
The only name I would change is Celeste's. It seems very airy for a science nerd, if that makes any sense, and a bit too catchy for someone who tries to keep out of the lime light. I'd change it to either Elise, Natalie, Freya, or Julia. I also had the urge to call Jack Nick instead, but Jack fits too.
!!!!!! Linus, George, Arthur, Roscoe, Howard, Vaughn !!!!! Thelma, Millie, Edith, Gertrude, Janice
!!!!!! Linus, George, Arthur, Roscoe, Howard, Vaughn !!!!! Thelma, Millie, Edith, Gertrude, Janice