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Re: Congrats Round 4- - - make sure to look below! (catch-up)
Diamante04Jennifer and Luke
DD/DD: Annelies Mary / Lacey Annabelle
DD: Melissa Layne "Missy"
DD: Gabriella Peyton "Ella"
DS: Matthew Hamilton "Matt"Luke & I are thrilled to announce the arrival of our first son! Matthew Hamilton was born October 24th at 11:45 PM, weighing 8 pounds, 1 ounce; 21 inches long. He is very handsome and looks a lot like his daddy. The girls are great with him, although Melissa was hoping for a little sister...maybe next time. We are delighted to have him at home with us. Welcome to the world Matthew --- Daddy, Mommy, Annelies, Lacey, Melissa, & Gabriella love you very much!
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