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Re: Congrats Round 5
Another girl! The whole family is thrilled to announce another baby girl! We welcome Ashlyn Cheyenne to join our now thriving family! She is becoming cuter each day, with her adorable dimples, much like her mother, brothers Ethan and Kevin, and sister Brooklyn. She has brown curly hair like most of her older siblings and peers!
Love always,
Seb, Mandie, Ethan, Kevin, Evelyn, Brooklyn, Madelyn, Landon, and Ashlyn.
DW: Amanda Jeanine Angelyn "Mandie"
DH: Sebastian Emmett "Seb"DS: Ethan Gabriel
DS: Kevin Elijah "Kevie"
DD: Evelyn Avery
DD/DD/DS: Brooklyn Isabelle / Madelyn Leslie / Landon Nathanael
DD: Ashlyn Cheyenne
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