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Re: Congrats Round 5
We would like to welcome the newest addition to the family Collin Oscar Maxwell West! Born on August 21 he weighed in at 6lbs 5 oz. and 18 and 1/2 inches long. The bigest baby yet in the family! Siblings are Andy, Gavin, Angel, and Riley. Proud mom and dad Troy and Aly say that Angel is realy out numbered now! Troy also notes that he is glad to see one son look like him with bright blonde hair and green eyes!
Miss Alyson:
DW: Alyson
DH: TroyDS: Andrew Tyler "Andy"
DS: Charles Gavin "Gavin"
DD: Angelina Erin Renee "Angel"
DS: Riley Marcus Carter
DS: Collin Oscar MaxwellTroy, Aly, Andy, Gavin, Angel, Riley, and Collin!
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