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Re: Congratulations Round 5
Jason and I are proud to announce the birth of our sixth child. Our beautiful baby girl, Cambria Paige came into the world on October 13th at 2:26 am. She is welcomed home by Landon Christopher, Trista Kelly, Everett Phoenix, Taryn Bianca, and Kendall Jason Lee
DD: Dana Lynn
DS: Landon Christopher 8
DD: Trista Kelly 6
DS/DD: Everett Phoenix / Taryn Bianca 4
DD: Kendall Raine 2
DD: Cambria Paige

Each departed friend is a magnet that attracts us to the next world.
--Jean Paul Richter

!!!!!!!!!! Bobby, Jodi, Rosie, Sandy, Carol, Cash, Donnie, Ralph, Beau, Paula
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