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Re: Congratulations Round 5
It’s double the blessing for Gaby, Ben, and their children Jessica Willow *Jessi*, Shane Quinton, Kaia Miriam, & Prudence Raine *Prue*, as they welcome the arrival of two darling baby girls… Faye Leticia & Chloe Alaina. The twin princesses were born August 16, with Faye weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces and measuring 18 inches long, and Chloe weighing 5 pounds 7 1/2 ounces and measuring 18 1/2 inches long.DH: Benjamin Lucas "Ben"
DW: Gabriela Marie "Gaby"DD: Jessica Willow "Jessi"
DS: Shane Quinton
DD: Kaia Miriam
DD: Prudence Raine "Prue"
DD/DD: Faye Leticia / Chloe Alaina~Ben, Gaby, Jessi, Shane, Kaia, Prue, Faye & Chloe~
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