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Re: Congratulations Round 5 (+ Q for Diamante)
Diamante: Are you going to start another congratulations after this one has ended? If not, I would be happy to start one. It seems like fun (though a lot of work!), but if you'd rather do it, I don't mind. :-)"27. Miss Natla: The Plumstone family has another little blessing to announce—the arrival of a healthy baby boy. He is welcomed by his parents Tulip & Miles, and joins his siblings Faith Josephine, George Anthony Francis, Raquel Evelyn, & Laura Gracie *Lou*…"Dear Al, (yes, I figured I could drop a letter and start writing to "Al" ;-))Yes, you guessed it. Another baby! This one was a bit of a surprise, actually, as I kind of didn't know I was pregnant at the of those back-of-the-womb affairs. Anyway, he's here now...yes, he, George is extremely pleased! Leonardo Sebastian Plumstone ("Leo" for short) was born at 2:21am, weighing 6lbs 20z.Anyway, we'll probably see you soon. Why not pop over?Love and kisses,
Tulip, Miles, Faith, George, Raquel, Lou and Leo -xxxxxxx- this space...
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If you would like to do the next one, feel free to--I don't mind either way. It might make it a little more fun for someone else to do it, so then I can name my "children" using a list of someone else's names...
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When (or if) you start another Congratulations...Could I join in? It looks like so much fun! Thanks! Mandie
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When the game finishes, watch out for a sign-up thread. You can join there. :-) this space...
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