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Re: Congratulations Round 5
The Schuyler family can’t wait for you to meet their newest addition, a darling baby girl. Callista June "Callie" arrived June 5th at 1:20 a.m. She weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and 22 inches. She has blond hair, blue eyes and the cutest little chin. The little princess is welcomed into the world by her proud parents Lisa & Ryan and older siblings Gabriel Luke "Gabe", Bianca Naomi, Rowan Oliver, & Lilia Caitlin "Lily"DH: Ryan Lewis
DW: Lisa Marie DS: Gabriel Luke "Gabe"
DD: Bianca Naomi
DS/DD: Rowan Oliver / Lilia Caitlin "Lily"
DD: Callista June "Callie"

My !’s: Xenocrates, Atticus, Sterling, Cassius, Luna, Octavia & Calanthe.
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