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Create Your Family- Part 5
Finished! Write a letter (it can be written anywhere from a year after the last letter, to thirty years after the last letter) and talk about how the children are doing, what they've been up to, etc.I'll post mine later.
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[I didn't count how many years this is ahead. The multiples are twenty-five, the twins are twenty-two, and the quads are nineteen. The fish and Mikey are dead and gone.] Dear family,I'm deeply grieved to announce to you my dear Christo's passing. He lost the battle with cancer on Thursday. We're all very torn up about it--me particularly. I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do without him. If anyone would be kind enough to come down and sit with me while I figure out funeral things, I'd be very appreciative.I don't want this only to be a sad-news letter, though; Christo hated those sorts, and I don't think he'd appreciate one devoted entirely to his demise. I say this while my tears fall on the face of my newest grandchild, Christopher Ivers Miller. We call him Chrissy right now, though I'm sure he'll become a dignified Chris when he's older. (He's only three months, and I think he's rather confused as to why Grandivy is raining on him.)So I suppose I'll tell you all about what's been going on with our brood. That ought to be a bit of a cheerer, if only because I can see Christo in all of them.Mena, dearest Mena, still lies as peacefully under her linden tree in the cemetary as she did when she was put down there. Christo will be buried in the plot right next to her--I don't want him to be far away from family, and besides that, Mena was his favourite. (He wouldn't say so, but I swear it's true.) I visit her more often than I probably should, and I discuss with her what's going on, and about her own tumultous life. I have yet to have any brilliant flashes as to where she went, or why, when she left home at nineteen. I try not to think on that too much, considering the state her body was in when she was found. The case is still cold and open, of course. At least we have Joy Angelica (or Janjy, as her Uncle Lock likes to call her) to remain. I do wish Mena hadn't left; the poor dear lost her mother at the age of four, and that's sad. But we love Joy, who tries her best to be happy. She's turning fourteen, and it's amazing how like her mother she is.

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Dear all,Well, it's been ten years since I last wrote, and I thought you could all do with an update. I know a few of you sent e-mails last winter when Bernard appeared in the Guiness Book Of World Records for oldest aquarium fish ever. Well, unfortunately, he died last week. Morgan was very cut up, but he'll get over it.The children are doing very well. Morgan came out last year, and is now living in a flat with Francis over in Shoreditch. He's following in his father's footsteps and applying to join the police. Archie's got his band, "Archie And The Yoghurt Pots", and a lovely young girlfriend called Arabella. Blythe hasn't been so lucky in love, unfortunately - she's pregnant and her boyfriend's done a runner. Still, we'll get by. A lot of fifteen year olds are having babies nowadays - they've even started a mother-and-baby lunchtime club at the school.Heather and Angus still remain close, even though they're at that funny age (twelve). Heather's got into singing - she has a gorgeous voice, whereas Angus is more into video games. He loves The Getaway - reminds him of his dad, he says. Thankfully, Dominic's nothing like that McCormack! He's head of the Flying Squad nowadays, for those that hadn't heard.The Quads turned ten last week - what a do that was! I swear, they had about twenty friends each over. Still, they had fun. Vivian's gone all punk and got his lip pierced on the quiet. Still, I suppose he does look old for his age, I can't imagine they would have done it on him if they had known he was nine. Louisa is into drawing big, black, scribbly pictures which she claims are "the screaming ruins of her soul". Look like carrots to me.

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15 years later...
Greetings all,Much has happened since I last wrote and it seems like there is too much to catch up on.Nathaniel Gregory James aka. Nate, recently had his family 25th birthday party at home where everyone was thrilled to see him. It seemed only a few days ago he graduated elementary school and now he's following in our footsteps in his final year of Veterinary School. His childhood obsession with hockey truely did pay off for him and his scholarship in University really pushed him to succeed. He's also been dating quite a lovely girl name Emma, and call it instinct but I believe there will be wedding bells in their future. He still maintains a close friendship with Garret, who oddly enough has also entered Vet medicine but more on that later. Alexander Ramsay Thomas, aka Alex, 22, has followed in his father's and brother's atheletic footsteps and also recieved a scholarship for his Hockey. He's being scouted by several teams as we speak. His ambitions are however far different and in the fall will be attending Law school while playing for a local farm team. A wise choice for him, and I know he'll be fantastic at it. Not one to settle, he has yet to bring a long term girlfriend home. He's a heartbreaker, though I'm glad he's pushing his schooling right now. He'll be a success. Rebecca Elspeth Anne aka. Becca 22, is despite her natural ability at academia decided to enter Vet medicine along with her eldest brother. I did suspect it, her love of the horses and doting on the cats was probably a giveaway. She'll be attending the same school as her brother and Garret.

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Dear friends and family,Well now that all of our kids are grown and out of the house and I have the time Id write you and let you know how everyone is.I am lonely here in this big house without my babies but Im managinf well. All of the kids are an hour or less away so I see them often.Sean is doing well also. He likes to spend his time with the dogs. After Rico died weve had our share of dogs. We had Molly and Sasha and then Dixie. Now we have there giant labs named Tink, Zoe, and Henry.Aiden and his wife are doing well. There 3 year old son Matthew James is happy to announce his new little sister Bethany Marie into the world.Ethan is having a hard time after his divorce to Shelby. I think the hardest thing for him is only being able to see Marissa Anne once a week for two hours on Saturday. Hes dating again and shes very nice. Her name is Michelle and she has a son, Alex, who is 9 months old.Berke is engaged (finally) to his lovely wife to be Jasmine and we are looking forward to seeing you all at the wedding soon!!Emma is working as a teacher. She and Mark are fine and are trying to concieve. Six year old Scarlett Danielle and two year old Kaitlyn Mae are doing fine and looking forward to having a new baby brother or sister soon.Charlotte is also having a hard time with her divorce. I think that being a single parent to Jacob Andrew (5), Nicholas Michael (3), and Madison Olivia (3) is hard on her. Her ex Daniel doesnt help much with the kids.

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