Making a Family - Step 6
Time for another letter! This time, either a close friend or relative has died and left you an older child or detail a vacation with another family.
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I'm very sad to give you all the news that one of my best friends was recently killed in a car crash. She was an absolutely wonderful person and I miss her more every day. I wanted to say thank you for all your kind messages and memories of her, we will never ever forget how short and precious her life was.So a couple of days after the funeral her solicitor called and asked for me and Tom to come and see him. He then gave us the news that in my friend's will she named us legal guardians to her 15-year-old daughter, Maisie Rhiannon. Maisie's very upset and also kind of angry that her mum has been taken from her because she was her only family, but slowly she's beginning to get used to the idea of living with us. She absolutely adores Dylan and he thinks she's wonderful, but she and Ben aren't getting on too well at the moment because Ben can wind her up a bit sometimes.Hopefully everything will sort itself out, especially now that we finished setting the basement up for Maisie and she doesn't have to stay in Ben's room any more. She helped pick out the paint and the bedcovers when I took her shopping last weekend, and I have to admit her new room is exactly what I would have wanted when I was that age - all blue and silver and white with loads of space for her guitar and her movie camera.
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Dear Friends & Family,
We just got back from America. Augustus & Thelonius loved it there, but they're happy to be home. They were able to see thier grandparents who spoiled them rotten, naturally. Thelonius doesn't speak English very well, so he kept having to ask Augustus & I what everyone else was saying or vice versa since noone in my family speaks German. We have so many photos. Augustus really enjoyed going to school there. I wanted to try to get Thelonius into a school, but he wouldn't have been able to learn anything, so I home-schooled him. In our spare time we travel the states & saw just about everything we could. I think for awhile we'll just do nothing after all that.
Elle, Augustus & Kitty, Thelonius & Wolf
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Well we got back two weeks ago from vacation. I waited til the pictures were developed so I could throw a few in.
We went to Dewey Beach with Amanda's family and Amy's family. It was the first time I have vacationed with Amy since we both had kids. Here is all who were in the big house we rented.
Me and Brian, Josh (12) and Abigail (6)
Amanda and Mike, Corey (12), Shanna (9), Noah and Kayla (5)
Amy and Chris, Stephen (9), Emma (6)Josh had lots of fun swimming at the beach with Corey and they even met a couple of girls. It was adorable (shh, don't tell them I said that). Abigail was a little jealous she wasn't the youngest or the center of attention. She had fun playing with Noah, Kayla and Emma though. Brian mostly got away form work; he only checked his email/voicemail every other day. I relaxed on the beach, my favorite type of vacation.
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Dear friends and family,I am sorry to tell you that my brother-inlaw and his wife recently died in a car crash. They are leaving us their five-year-old son Jacob Vincent. Jake is still upset, angry, and worried about his parents, but he is slowly beginning to accept what has happened. On a brighter note, Midnight had kittens, which the kids have named Apple, Strawberry, Lime, and Grape.Love,
Hannah, Chris,
Amalia, Bella, Gabe, Jake,
Grandma Audrey, Grandpa Jack
Thunder, Midnight,
Apple, Strawberry, Lime, Grape
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Jake should be 15, not 5, sorry,
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Emily and Kiran
Daphne, 14
Violet, 11
(Nana Lida and Grampa George) Dear Mom,
We had such a great time in Hawaii with the Vreelands, our neighbors. Gwen and Peter are such a great couple, and Kiran and I get along very well with them. Their children, Simon (15), Tanith (13), Elliot (11), and Penelope (9), are delightful and get along wonderfully with Daph and Vi. We had so much to do on our week's stay at the Lei hotel in Oahu. What's great about the hotel is that each family got a private, secluded guest hut/cabana with it's own jaccuzzi and entrance to the beach. The scenery was gorgeous. The girls loved shopping together and we had a bonfire every night. There were also hammocks and a tropical fish tank in each cabana. The privacy was wonderful. Next time you and dad must come with us. Kiran and I are thinking about owning a house there, we loved it so much. Love you! Emily (and Kiran, Daph, and Violet)
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Dear Friends I am deeply touched by the flowers you all have sent since the funeral for Martha and Byron. It was tragic how they left this world. They were comming home on the AA flight 232 from Boston. The plane had some kind of malfunction in the instruments and the pilot was trying to up right and already up right plane and in the process he was trying to make a 747 flip in mid air. Since this is not doable the plane nose dived and they lost air pressure and the cabin could not sustain the pressure and the windows burst and with the mix of Oxygen and the air outside the plane exploded and crashed to the ground with no surviors.Their lawyer called us 3 days later saying he wanted to meet with us.
He then began to tell us that Byron had left strict instructions for us the Arthurs to take his children in and raise them. With a look of surprise on our faces I am sure the lawyer thought us mad... we smiled and said with gladness that yes we would take in the Thurstin children to raise. So then we left with our best friends 3 children to go home and start to heal.I felt like a huge honor was bestowed on me to raise Amelia June Thurstin age 12(same age as Hermione now) so they can share a room .. they are best of friends to begin with and Benjamin and Johnathan Logan are 15 together they can bunk in together and then Elizabeth Pearl is just 6yrs old but her and Gwendolyn can share even if Gwen is older by a year and 2months as Gwen always tells me.The house will always be full but at least I can pass on my love to my best friends kids and teach them what their parents wanted them to know.
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Family and friends - I am very sad to tell you all that our next door neighbor, and good friend, Loretta Crimson has passed away. She was like another grandma to the kids and had been battling cancer for about 4 years now. We are devasted by this death. Early this summer we went on vacation with Sara and Gil's family. Sara and I were good friends in high school. She and Gil moved back to the area last year and our kids get along beautifully. They have 3 children. Their oldest, Joshua Gilbert, was born a month before Grace. Their second, Robert Matthew, was born in August the same year as Wyatt and Piper and their youngest, Katrina Jane, was born in May the year before J.J. and Pacey. So together we had two 14 year olds, three 10 year olds (as none of them have had their birthdays yet this year), an 8 year old and two 7 year olds. Whew! We went on a Disney Cruise and to Disney World. We were gone for 2 weeks and had a wonderful time.Take care,
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