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I have an idea . . .
Many old records were badly written, and mistakes creep in all of the time. Is there any possibility that her name was actually Bereniss - which would probably be a variation of Berenice? It's pretty easy for an 'r' to become an 'n' when old, hand-written-with-ink records are transcribed.Does that sound like a possibility?:-)
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No, she signed her marriage cert and its definatley an N not R. Also her daughter and granddaughter have the same name which make it all the more frustrating when I havent a clue where it comes from! My grandad can remember an AUnt Beanie which is what she was called for short. Thanks for your help though, Someone somewhere will know!
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Bother! There goes that theory :-DHmm . . . how much of the family tree from earlier on do you have? Could her name be composed of a mixture of names, such as her grandparents' or great-grandparents' names?
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