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Seek and your shall find...

This message was edited 11/5/2004, 8:38 AM

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are you saying that seek and you shall find is the meaning of tianah or are you telling me to seek and find the meaning my self
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Pl. get article on the above subject.
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She is telling open her message and click on the blue link

This message was edited 11/5/2004, 9:43 AM

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Is it me...... or is it that we get parades of overly sensitive posters, from time to time?
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overly sensitive = stupid?
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Yeah...You saved me from saying it Ivayla, LOL!
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Wouldn't say it's stupidity or over-sensitiveness.. It seems... Lack of attention, lack of computer-lore or a very (Magia... How would you translate "disimulad@" into English?) troll...
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To dissemble = disimularTo dissemble would be, literally the translation for "disimular" but in this case, the phrase would translate into something like "Troll in disguise", meaning that a person who is in fact a troll, is pretending to be dumb or playing stupid. Which I don't think is what happened here, this time.
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