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*laughs* I did not even know that
Thanks Pavlos for letting me know.
I do not know much about the stories behind the texts
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How could you not know? It's in the Glass Onion!:P
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Oh Yeahhh...get well george!
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Hee-heeee-haaaaahahahaha!Daividh, you're familiar with ??Who knew? ;)
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Noooo...but it's a rather nicely-done site. Doubt it's something I'd bookmark, tho. : )
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Gonna get me some PAGAN SKINS!Totally cracked up reading this stuff. The guy who put this together is a freakin' GENIUS! I hope visitors follow through and click on the link at the bottom of the page for the source material, and then check out the real lunatics, such Terry Watkins and Donald Phau.Btw, I happen to know for a fact that Satan actually prefers Baroque music.-- Nanaea
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