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Behind C.A.R.E.
Able seamen fiendishly feast scrawnier carnivore
As Neanderthal fiercely microwaves brain finesse
Brainier deviancy harasses nicer fellow-men feast
Defenses insatiably research infernal microwave
Ensnares scrawnier, hymenial, fair-faced love-bites
Fair eaten scrawnier, fiendish, creamy lovableness
Fiercely eats fair venerable womanish rancidness
Fiercely fiendish Satan ensnares abler microwave
Flesh fine radiancy ensnares beastlier microwave
Half-eaten desirableness if creamy carnivores win
Hymenial, lesbians eat over-fed scrawnier fanciers
Inane, weariest freshmen brain favorless delicacy
Lesbian's creamy weirdness if half-eaten carnivore
Lesbian's over-fed, scrawnier, hymenial fanciers eat
Maniacal witchery ensnares if over-fed bleariness
Satanism bellyached fine, fine carnivore swearers
Scrawnier evilness modifies half-eaten aberrancy
Swearers bellyached carnivores if feminine Satan
Winners fiercely favored lesbian's eaten charisma
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I'm gonna label each one of my CARE packages with one of these!
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