Pronunciation of Na'ima (Arabic)?
Does anyone know how to pronounce Na'ima (Naima)? I've checked the archives and there are a couple of comments but nothing I'd really class as reliable.
It's for a character name so I'd like to get it right in my head!
Thanks :-)
Proudly Australian
It's for a character name so I'd like to get it right in my head!
Thanks :-)
if you are looking for the arabic pron, it's "nah-IH-mah" or "na-(ih)-YEH-mah." (the (ih) is barely perceptible, as it would be more like a glottal stop.)
if you are looking for the arabic pron, it's "nah-IH-mah" or "na-(ih)-YEH-mah." (the (ih) is barely perceptible, as it would be more like a glottal stop.)
I knew that my pronouncation could be off - as Naima was an African-American woman from the 1950s.
I knew that my pronouncation could be off - as Naima was an African-American woman from the 1950s.