Delilah's meaning
Delilah means, i believe, 'delicate one'
Behind Delilah's meaning
Lets consult our trusty Anagram Oracle
- Hell aid (The St. Nanaea equivalent of St. Peter )
- Hide all (or, in a more kinkier vein, "All-hide")
- Ill head (Love in the Time of Cholera)
- Die hall (Dr Kevorkian's health clinic)
- LeHilda (African-American-German name)
- Idle HAL (I'm sorry, Daividh , I cant do that)
Lets consult our trusty Anagram Oracle
- Hell aid (The St. Nanaea equivalent of St. Peter )
- Hide all (or, in a more kinkier vein, "All-hide")
- Ill head (Love in the Time of Cholera)
- Die hall (Dr Kevorkian's health clinic)
- LeHilda (African-American-German name)
- Idle HAL (I'm sorry, Daividh , I cant do that)