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Re: Marybel
in reply to a message by mewee
MaribelSurrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion in a wardrobe where you were sure of finding shirts - Frida Kahlo
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My name is Marybel not Maribel. My mother did not intend for me to have my name spelled with an "I". She has said the point of your name is to spell it with a "Y" therefore Marybelin english not spanish.
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I know your name is Marybel, but one letter doesn't change the meaning (in most cases).
If you won't accept it as a variant of Maribel, then look at Mary and Bella.Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion in a wardrobe where you were sure of finding shirts - Frida Kahlo
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Thanks dude I give up on the meaning of my name oh well. No more naming kids wierd names that later in life they'll have to wonder about, I mean unless you have a really good reason on why you named the kid that besides "I don't know I just liked it." Like in my case I guess I'll just have to accept Maria Bella as a good reason, considering every woman in my family is one ( a Maria )
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