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Re: Cheshire
in reply to a message by Agata
Cheshire is a county in England. It was originally "Chester shire", shire being an old word for "county" or "district". Cheshire was named after the town of Chester, and that place name is from Old English caester, "town or city founded by Romans", which in turn is from the Latin word castra, "camp (for Roman soldiers)". This information is mostly from A Dictionary of English Place-names by A. D. Mills.
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Thank you!
I was reading an article by Cheshire Calhoun ...
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Poor woman.She must have grown up being referred to as the Cheshire Cat.
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i actually like that name
~Currently Loving The Names~
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Yeah, but at least the Cheshire Cat is cute :)Surrealism is the magical surprise of finding a lion in a wardrobe where you were sure of finding shirts - Frida Kahlo
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