I just have a quick name about Zooey Deschanel's name. How do you pronounce Zooey? Is it ZOO-ee or like the regular Zoe? I was just wondering because I've never heard anyone say her name out loud, I've only ever seen it written down...

Whenever I've heard it pronounced, it has been ZO-ee, like the regualr Zoe. I watched (on Special Features of a DVD) and interview of a movie she was in, and all of her other cast members pronounced it ZO-ee.
Don't worry, you're not alone. I wasn't sure how it was pronounced until I heard people say her name before, either!
We love you Copper! 6/1/91 - 6/16/06
Matthew Craig 'Matt' 1/21/1977 - 7/11/2006
Don't worry, you're not alone. I wasn't sure how it was pronounced until I heard people say her name before, either!
We love you Copper! 6/1/91 - 6/16/06
Matthew Craig 'Matt' 1/21/1977 - 7/11/2006
thanks! :D