Meaning of the name Orhan?
The Turkish author Orhan Pamuk was rewarded this year's Nobel Prize in literature. So obviously Orhan is a Turkish name. Does anyone know the meaning of this name?
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."
Thank you
Seems that both Orhan and Rüya should be submitted in the database.
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."
Seems that both Orhan and Rüya should be submitted in the database.
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."
The original Orhan -- son of Osman I and a ruler of what would later become the Ottoman empire -- was Orkhan. So maybe it's derived from or = something + khan = ruler (?)
Edited to add: this site: , which I have found to be fairly reliable, says Orhan means 'great ruler/khan'. So maybe or = 'great'. I haven't been able to find a Turkish or Arabic name on BtN which has or as an element, so I have no idea how accurate that meaning is.
And edited once again to add that pamuk means 'cotton' in Turkish. I know you didn't ask about that, but it's something I know for sure, and it's a name, so...
~ Ivayla,
skillfully disguised as a responsible adult

Edited to add: this site: , which I have found to be fairly reliable, says Orhan means 'great ruler/khan'. So maybe or = 'great'. I haven't been able to find a Turkish or Arabic name on BtN which has or as an element, so I have no idea how accurate that meaning is.
And edited once again to add that pamuk means 'cotton' in Turkish. I know you didn't ask about that, but it's something I know for sure, and it's a name, so...
~ Ivayla,
skillfully disguised as a responsible adult

This message was edited 10/13/2006, 5:33 PM
Orhan's daughter Rüya
O. Pamuk has a daughter Rüya, whose name means "dream" in Turkish (I quote from Wikipedia).
And congrats to all my Turkish friends for the Nobel prize :)
O. Pamuk has a daughter Rüya, whose name means "dream" in Turkish (I quote from Wikipedia).
And congrats to all my Turkish friends for the Nobel prize :)
Lovely meaning
Same meaning as Aisling then.
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."
Same meaning as Aisling then.
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."