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Help on feminine Jewish names!
I just can't find the meaning of:Hinle
Niba (feminine form of Navi?)
Kaile / Kayla / Kaila (same person) (form of Caroline?)
Macha / Macka (same person)
Symelia (form of Shimmon / Shimmel?)
Judesa (form of Yehudit / Hudes?)
Diene (dee-nuh) (form of Dinah?)
Biene (bee-nuh) (form of Binah, "intelligence", or Bonne / Bonnie / Buena, traduction of Tova / Gittel?)
Tille / Tilla (same person)
Cortel / Curtla (same person)
Fulche (nickname for something, but what?)
Heeelp! lol
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Biene could also be a translation of Deborah into Yiddish (High German Biene "honey bee")
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I know this is super old lol but I found this searching for old posts about a name (Bina). So, to satisfy my own need to post...Macha/Macka is most likely from either Machla (a biblical name) or Malka (meaning queen). Malka is much more popular so I'm guessing that.Kaila/Kaile/etc are Yiddish, they are still popular in Chareidi circles. People give different sources for them, including Kelila (crown) and Kli (Hebrew word for vessel). Kehle is probably a version of the same name; in Yiddish these names would likely be pronounced the same.Judesa is likely related to Yehudis/Judith.Fratel is probably an alternate spelling of Fraidel, a Yiddish name still occasionally used.Suma may be related to Sima (Yiddish, happiness).Diene is most likely a form of Dina since it's pronounced the same as the Hebrew/Yiddish pronunciation.Doba may be related to Dobrushka, which if I recall correctly is a Russian form of Devora/Deborah. Or it may be related to Dov, bear.I am so curious where you found these names!
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Slight correction - just checked and Doba is Hebrew, female bear, related to male Dovsource - the chabad .org jewish names list
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Hinle - a misspelling of Hide/Hinda? (meaning deer)
Gelle - a form of Gila?
Judesa - possibly a form of Hadasa/Hudes/Udese?
Biene - I'd go for Bina/Binah.
vote up1vote down can't find those names either, but since i understand you are interested in Hebrew names, here is a site where you can buy books about Jewish surnames and given names. maybe there is something for you there, although cannot really judge the way, Hinle seems to be used as a surname as well.

This message was edited 9/13/2004, 8:29 AM

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