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I am so sorry that i have been annoying you all this time with names i want opinions for, I thought you might care what my friend names her baby, because it matters to me. So if everyone is mad at me and want me to stop asking questions, thats fine with me and i will just stop leaving posts.
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You asked for a personal opinion and I gave you one what more can you ask?Jen, If you ignore the answers you get because they do not live up to your exspectations how do you envision that people should be interested in answering to your posts. Especially when you keep reposting the same answer over and over again?
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Nan, (sniff) could you please hand me a tissue? (sniff) *tears* (n/t):P:P :P :P :P
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Love all you guys! Sometimes you make me seem almost tolerant and charitable by contrast... : )
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Davidh, I love you more!!! I feel kinda bad. I don't wanna chase anyone off, this isn't my board to do so, I just get a little frustrated sometimes. Ya know what I mean?? I better watc out, or people are gonna start calling me Eagle Beak, or even worse, ELAINE !!! Ahhhhhhh.....I'll stop, I swear! ;)
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Ah, you weren't chasin' off anyone, S.J. -- you were just playin' a little basketball! :)
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From the looks of it, I was doing pretty good, too! Scoring points left and right!!
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Love backatcha, Daividh ! Anyway, I just figured you've been so mellow lately coz of the kidney stones taking you out of action.Oh, and young Jen is whining over on the Haggisbutt board right now about how "mean" we've all been to her.Heheheh, she hasn't seen *real* "mean" yet. ;)-- Nanaea
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Hi Nan,That's right. This is really a loving and forgiving lot, despite occasional appearances. But like introducing yourself into any established group, you've got to tread lightly and observe the conventions or yer toast.JEN brought this on herself. What part of "Please take baby name opinions to Haggisbutt" do you suppose she didn't understand? The nasty part came only after repeated attempts to get the message across.I have, in fact, stayed out of this because of health concerns and because it's been a WORK WEEK FROM HELL! That's all behind, thankfully. Let us hope JEN gets the intended message AND continues posting on this board in the appropriate context. I always feel when we just end up running people off, that we've lost something...Totally Off-Topic, but yer a DOG PERSON: My parents, at their advanced age (late 70's), decided to get a puppy from the shelter. It's 13 weeks old, very cute, and well-behaved. Dad says it's "Lab and something else". My wife and I took one look and pronounced that "something else" to likely be St. Bernard . It's black and white, but the head's right, the build's right, the feet are enormous, and it's 25 pounds at three months. Whaddaya think: is this likely to be a BIG DOG?Dave
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"That's right. This is really a loving and forgiving lot, despite occasional appearances. But like introducing yourself into any established group, you've got to tread lightly and observe the conventions or yer toast."******Hey, I mainly come here to chillax. :)"JEN brought this on herself. What part of "Please take baby name opinions to Haggisbutt" do you suppose she didn't understand? The nasty part came only after repeated attempts to get the message across."******Like I said before, she ain't seen *real* "nasty" yet. Some people just don't learn not to poke sticks at the wolf, until they get their hand bitten off."I have, in fact, stayed out of this because of health concerns and because it's been a WORK WEEK FROM HELL! That's all behind, thankfully."******Major sympathy to you on the work week from Hell. Tho', if you ask me, Hell is a pretty cool place. :)"Let us hope JEN gets the intended message AND continues posting on this board in the appropriate context. I always feel when we just end up running people off, that we've lost something... "******You're so sentimental, Daividh . :) I don't really think anyone has ever been run off this board. Mike C. is a pretty equitable guy, and wouldn't ban someone based solely on the fact that the person in question isn't liked that much by others here. And, I don't think anyone here would expect Mike C. to do that, either. If somebody leaves, that's their choice. Ain't nobody makin' 'em leave. Unless, of course, Mike decides to ban them for the sanity and sanctity of the Board. :)"Totally Off-Topic, but yer a DOG PERSON:"******I'm an Alpha Female!"My parents, at their advanced age (late 70's), decided to get a puppy from the shelter. It's 13 weeks old, very cute, and well-behaved. Dad says it's "Lab and something else". My wife and I took one look and pronounced that "something else" to likely be St. Bernard . It's black and white, but the head's right, the build's right, the feet are enormous, and it's 25 pounds at three months. Whaddaya think: is this likely to be a BIG DOG?"

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That's what I was afraid of! Fortunately my parents bought this humongous ranch-style house last year (whatever for?!) when they moved inland from Hurricane Alley so the horse won't suffer for lack of indoor room to roam.The only downside is that my wife's already said that if the time comes when the folks can't care for it, she wants to take it. And our place is considerably LESS humongous...
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Daividh , the day may come when you and Jennifer find yourselves taking in both the old folks *and* the dog. :oBTW, what's the dog's name?-- Nanaea
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It's "Danny". No Idea Why...
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Well, considering he's your "brother", it goes well with "Daividh".
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Weird. Dad refers to him as "your brother", too.
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Well, there you go. Your brother needs a middle name, you know, coz you've got one. Something that starts with the same initial as your own, and pairs well with it, too.How about suggesting to your parents that they give Danny the middle name of "Chthulu"?-- Nanaea
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How perfectly eldritch! And if he needs another pet to keep him company, I'll suggest The Black Goat of the Woods With A Thousand Young !(Thirty years ago I was a total Lovecraft freak. Still got about everything of his that was in print at the time. Altho for pure kickass literary style, ya can't beat Clark Ashton Smith...)
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I'll gladly hand you a tissue, Sarahjeanne -- and maybe I'll hand somebody else her head. ;)
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Ohh, Ohh, I'm putting the tssue down! Give it to me, I'm open. Pleeeeeze??? :P
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Well if she means what she says, we should have a party!!:)))))
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Lately we have been getting some rude people on this site! I guess people assume we have to respond! When sometimes we just dont know! Though Mike C always trys! Well life goes on and we have this site to try and do our best of what people ask!
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Probably more clueless than deliberately rude, still...Their heads make GREAT substitutes for basketballs![Nanaea dribbles a head down the court. She passes it to Sarahjeanne ! Sarahjeanne jumps and slamdunks it into the net! SHE SCORES!! The BehindtheName crowd goes WILD!]-- Nanaea
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What about soccer, volleyball, rugby, hurling (although the balls used for that contact sport are a bit smaller), four-square, etc.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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well I guess she probably is full of Hot air!
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Man, I wasn't even around all weekend, and I'm racking up all kinds of points!! High fives all around!!!!Sarahjeanne
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****JEN**** Againbehindthename is not for baby naming purposes. You know you find a more welcome response on the "sister" site, Haggisbutt!
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Here are the addresses for Haggisbutt or "Unusual, Unique and Creative Names" as it is called.Haggisbutt main page: message board:
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is your friend having a boy or a girl? i had a little boy 7 months ago and i named him "Matthew Isaac-Rage" Rage is a very uncommon name for alittle boy and if she is looking for soemthing uncommon, there is a name. it is unique and will always stand out in that child's life..
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