how to pronounce Faolan, Riordan, Cailean
Is it FWEE-lan, ree-OR-dan, and CAY-leen?
Also, what is the correct pronounciation of my own name, Maire? I've always been called "mary" but I've been told that the correct pronounciation should be "moyra".
Also, what is the correct pronounciation of my own name, Maire? I've always been called "mary" but I've been told that the correct pronounciation should be "moyra".
Riordan is prounced 'REER-dan' (no O) The pronunciation of Cailean differs, but BtN is probably correct: "KAH-len." As for Maire, it has a variety of pronunciations. "MAI-ra", "MOY-ra", and "MOY-a" are three used by native Irish speakers.
This message was edited 7/31/2006, 10:21 AM
Here you can listen to the pronunciation of irish names, on the top of the page you see a button to go to the boys names, or the other girls names. (I didn't see Cailean listen though, but the others are)