Who is credited for inventing this name? It interests me why someone woulkd be motivated in creating this "name."
People have been creating names by back-spelling both in English-speaking countries and in Latin America for many years. It would be hard to say what person first thought of creating Nevaeh. There were 8 girls named Nevaeh born in the United States in the year 1999. By pure chance I discovered that one of these was born in Nebraska and was able to interview the mother. She told me she had thought it up herself. When she was a teenager she was a fan of the novels by V. C. Andrews that featured a heroine named Heaven, and she was thinking of that character when she reversed Heaven into Nevaeh for her daughter.
The boom in girls named Nevaeh is because of its use by the American rock singer Sonny Sandoval. His daughter Nevaeh was born in March 2000. In the fall of 2000 he was featured on the MTV cable TV program Cribs, where he showed off his infant daughter and explained her name. I have not been able to find out yet whether Mr. Sandoval and his wife independently invented the name or whether they heard it somewhere else. But the publicity given their daughter obviously is what originally spread the idea. Most of the examples of girls I know of who were born in 2000 or 2001 named Nevaeh were directly inspired by Sandoval's daughter. After that the name was discussed so much on the Internet that it's probable that many of the parents using it after 2002 were not directly inspired by Sandoval, however.
The boom in girls named Nevaeh is because of its use by the American rock singer Sonny Sandoval. His daughter Nevaeh was born in March 2000. In the fall of 2000 he was featured on the MTV cable TV program Cribs, where he showed off his infant daughter and explained her name. I have not been able to find out yet whether Mr. Sandoval and his wife independently invented the name or whether they heard it somewhere else. But the publicity given their daughter obviously is what originally spread the idea. Most of the examples of girls I know of who were born in 2000 or 2001 named Nevaeh were directly inspired by Sandoval's daughter. After that the name was discussed so much on the Internet that it's probable that many of the parents using it after 2002 were not directly inspired by Sandoval, however.
JUST SO YA KNOW, NO ONE GIVES A DAMN AND IT IS A BEAUTIFUL NAME. ITS LIKE SAYING, who created the "name" Eric. "It interests me" Technically, this name and the carriers of this name have taken enough offense. You may not think this is offensive, BUT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUST SO YA KNOW, NO ONE GIVES A DAMN AND IT IS A BEAUTIFUL NAME. ITS LIKE SAYING, who created the "name" Eric. "It interests me" Technically, this name and the carriers of this name have taken enough offense. You may not think this is offensive, BUT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe Cleveland could help us out.
People named Nevaeh are probably too young to be feel offended.
As for Eric's question, it is sbsolutely valid. The Oxford English Dictionary includes information on all its entries regarding the rist recorded use of a word. Nothing wrond with asking who coined the name and when.
People named Nevaeh are probably too young to be feel offended.
As for Eric's question, it is sbsolutely valid. The Oxford English Dictionary includes information on all its entries regarding the rist recorded use of a word. Nothing wrond with asking who coined the name and when.
Eric and such names were created using lingual elements. They were formed by putting meaningful words in Latin or in a foreign language together to have a specific meaning. Nevaeh is simply Heaven flipped backwards. No such origin exists. I think this is the main reason people have such a dislike of Nevaeh.
Right on.
Names are apart of language. They evolved from words or adjectives to denote a person and their traits. Names were not simply "made-up". Most names have changed and been in use over time. Neveah, on the other hand, was simply invented by a person trying to be "unique".

Names are apart of language. They evolved from words or adjectives to denote a person and their traits. Names were not simply "made-up". Most names have changed and been in use over time. Neveah, on the other hand, was simply invented by a person trying to be "unique".

Please ...
don't be so rude as to say things like "put a sock in it." The name Nevaeh is a hot topic, and everyone's got an opinion .. and opinions are much easier to take, when delivered with some respect for the readers.
Ditto to the OP (Eric), who really need not put snarky quotes around the word name, since it is in fact a name in use. If you want to release your burden of emotions about the name Nevaeh, there is a Name Opinions Board on this site where you can do so in a forthright manner. You are encouraged to do so -- although we've heard it all from a zillion other folks already.
Please folks, no more opinions in this thread.
As to the original question, Baby Name Wizard author Laura Wattenberg has tried to answer it - here is her column on the subject:
- mirfak, fascinated by the strutting and screeching the name Nevaeh provokes in people, but a bit tired of it
don't be so rude as to say things like "put a sock in it." The name Nevaeh is a hot topic, and everyone's got an opinion .. and opinions are much easier to take, when delivered with some respect for the readers.
Ditto to the OP (Eric), who really need not put snarky quotes around the word name, since it is in fact a name in use. If you want to release your burden of emotions about the name Nevaeh, there is a Name Opinions Board on this site where you can do so in a forthright manner. You are encouraged to do so -- although we've heard it all from a zillion other folks already.
Please folks, no more opinions in this thread.
As to the original question, Baby Name Wizard author Laura Wattenberg has tried to answer it - here is her column on the subject:
- mirfak, fascinated by the strutting and screeching the name Nevaeh provokes in people, but a bit tired of it
This message was edited 6/25/2006, 1:06 PM