My column on Lionel
Sorry I've had other things on my mind and forgot to post the link to last Sunday's column until now. I did not realize that England had had a Prince Lionel until doing the research for this. I didn't have room to mention it in the column, but Prince Lionel, Duke of Clarence, was the ancestor of the House of York side in the Wars of the Roses.
I like the name Lionel.
I have just finished The Eagle and the Hart by Helen Castor which I recommend. It is about Richard II and Henry IV, Lionel's nephews.
A small correction - at the time in England, the sons of kings (expecting the Prince of Wales) were not styled Princes. They were royal Dukes, and were known by their ducal title, and place of birth. So Lionel was known as Lionel of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence.
I have just finished The Eagle and the Hart by Helen Castor which I recommend. It is about Richard II and Henry IV, Lionel's nephews.
A small correction - at the time in England, the sons of kings (expecting the Prince of Wales) were not styled Princes. They were royal Dukes, and were known by their ducal title, and place of birth. So Lionel was known as Lionel of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence.
Is there a way to get access to your columns for free?
You can also send me an email address through private messaging on this site and I will send you a copy of any column you ask for as I originally wrote it (the editor sometimes makes minor changes.)
Partial articles are posted at the American Name Society, which is where I read them most times.
Thank you!