Noé as a Dutch Feminine name.
The name Noé is also used as a Feminine name is Dutch as a borrowing of that name and a variant of Noa (1)/Noah (2) and Noée.
A Unisex variant of this name in Dutch is Noë. user-submitted names: you do something about this? Thank you for your understanding.You can't judge a book by its cover!

This message was edited 2/27/2024, 11:44 AM

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The Dutch forms of Noah are Noach or Noë. Neither are very popular. Since the 1990s Noah has been heavily used, just as it has throughout Europe (especially northwestern Europe).The Dutch feminine form, reaching the top 10, is Noa. This is ostensibly the unrelated biblical woman's name Noa, listed as Noa(1) on this site. Noé would probably be more accurately considered a variant of it, so would properly be a separate name entry. I have undeleted the Noé submission you made several years ago.
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