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Is it possible to add this name?
Greetings.I would like to add the name Daraen, which belongs to a character in the video game saga Fire Emblem. Despite the character having its own Wikipedia page*, the name only appears as a regional variant, mentioned in the page's notes, as the character's original name is Robin.Is it still possible to add this name, in spite of this feature?*( )Thanks in advance.

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”-Lori Greiner
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This is something to consider... I think so, because there are plenty of more obscure names on the site. It might require a bit more research, though,
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Another editor may disagree, but I would say no, it doesn’t belong in the database. It’s a regional name of an actual name of one character from a video game. It’s obscure, and not used be a real human to boot.
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The wiki may be inaccurate. Some sources have the character's full name as Colonel Robin Daraen, so not a regional variant but the surname (of course this may be retconning to align the game variants). Daraen does appear in lists of European and US family names, but appears to be an OCR error for Darden.
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My main point is than it’s an obscure name only used on one character and not used on a real human.
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Alright, thank you.
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