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Re: Are Aaron and Erin pronounced the same?
in reply to a message by Marie
I'm from the West Coast - My mom grew up in Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri before moving to California at the end of high school. There are some things she says that drive me nuts ("salza" instead of "salsa"), but, I suppose, like her, I pronounce these words with a nearly indistinguishable difference (Berry/Barry) - My uncle's name is Berry (not Barry). To my wife, who's from New York/New Jersey/Connecticut, she says I pronounce "Aaron" and "Erin" the same. But I know she's not "really" listening to the difference. It's where I'm putting the emphasis on the vowel sound. However, I have to admit I'm likely pronouncing as the same vowel sound.This little trick from Reddit I stumbled across will likely help me with some of my pronunciation:
"In Wales, I know several Aarons who pronounce it Air-un, the double /aa/ beginning lengthens the initial sound. Erin is always eh-rin, with a short /e/ like in ‘egg’."
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