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Re: Keile/Kayla/etc - Yiddish?
I'm pretty sure that Kayla is a made up English name, based on Kay.There are similar names that exist, but thye are pronounced differently. I'm pretty sure that Keila, Kejla etc. are KY-la, not KAY-la.Geila is GY-la in German (harsh G, sort of like guy-la with guy being pronounced like the word.I think some people named Kayla were upset that there name has not real etymology and used the internet to link it to the Yiddish name.But even if Kayla existed as a Yiddish name I think it would probably also be KY-la. "kay" is prononced "ky" in all languages I can think of, pronouncing it "kay" seems to be an English thing.Please rate my list:
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Kayla is a natural abbreviation of Michaela. However the spelling is indeed modern English, by analogy to words which only have word final y for normal i, and vowel-shifted a pronounced as e. Note in Michaela both the a and e are shifted up to e and i respectively.
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