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Re: Nominate names
I would love to nominate Khabib (one of the names I submitted) for the database. Khabib Nurmagomedov is pretty famous, so I think his name should be in the database.I would also love to nominate other Lord of the Rings names, such as Boromir, Faramir, Gimli, Théoden, Peregrin (Pippin's full name), and Meriadoc (Merry's full name). Also, Lúthien should be in the database since Tinuviel already is, but Lúthien is the character's real name (Tinuviel was a nickname given to her by Beren), and she's one of Tolkien's most famous characters.In addition, I'd liked to see Sauron's entry fixed. The part about Sauron being a giant eye is only in the movies - it's not in the books. I've read Lord of the Rings many times and I can confirm that.

This message was edited 9/3/2022, 10:52 AM

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Honestly, Jrrt's conlangs should be their own subcategories within Literature.

This message was edited 9/15/2022, 6:06 PM

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