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Endellion (Cenheidlon). Etymology.
It is said that
Endelienta (Endelyn, Endellion) possibly Welsh Cenheidlon or Cynheiddon (с)So, can Cenheidlon be derived from welsh "cenedl" (f) (plural cenhedloedd) - nation, kindred, family?sources:
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It would be unusual. Genuine Welsh/Celtic names in the 5th C should follow the standard Indo-European dithematic pattern. Two independent words of some significance (weapons, gods, totems, battle, glory, honor fame etc.), each element of one or two syllables. If the prototheme is Cenedl, then the deuterotheme is only -on, which is not really plausible. Here also the loss of an initial /k/ is odd. Loss of an initial /h/ may occur, as this had become a silent letter in Latin, but a /k/ should be preserved as in Cunobelinos.
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