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Surname Custis Meaning
I’ve been reading a lot about the Washingtons, and as a name nerd, I’ve started to wonder about the origins of Martha Washington’s first husband’s surname Custis. I believe the Custis family were of English descent like most of the colonists, but there might have been some Scots-Irish; but I can’t remember. Anyone have any ideas of the meaning and origin of the name?“For once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been and there you will long to return.” - Leonardo da Vinci
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The entry for Custis on page 397 of the Dictionary of American Family Names (2003) written by Patrick Hanks says the following:Custis (473) English: unexplained. Possibly from a much altered form of the personal name AUGUSTUS. This is an old VA surname, dating from the 17th century.Link to the page in question: (in English).Also, you should know that this website has a message board specifically dedicated to surnames, which is better suited for questions like yours. As such, you might perhaps have better luck there. Here it is: hope that helps! :)
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Thanks. I thought I did go on the surnames message boards. Oh well �
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Depends on who you listen too. The genealogy sites offer both and English origin, possibly from a much altered form of a personal name. Or the name is derived from the Old French word curteis, which means refined or accomplished, citing the Patronymica Britannica a 19th c dictionary of family names.
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