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Re: Meaning/origin of RANGEL
i’m sorry but ur wrong :/ my last name is rangel and it’s from my moms dad and he came from mexico so ya try again.
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I am Neri Rangel Díaz. Alright let me set you straight real quick Kaitlyn. You got you’re name from you’re parents who lived in Mexico. And they got it from their parents/your grandparents who may or may not have lived in Mexico. And they got it from their grand parents/you’re great great grand parents got it from their parents/you’re great great great grandparents. Now consider this where 5 generations in about +or- 500 years of family lines. 500 years ago all native people from Mexico were mayen and Aztec. Those are natives who did not speak Spanish they spoke dialect and rangel is not a dialect last name it is spanish wich Caim from Spain so you’re ansestors are most likely European imagrents from Spain not Hispanic natives. And if you want to go even farther into it. The Spañirds blood was greatly influenced and mixed with the French because Spanish language is derived from French language so the rangel blood can be traced as far back as France and maybe even further but I have reached the extent of my knowledge. So in conclusion no
“my last name is rangel and I got it from my mom and dad and he came from Mexico so ya try again”
is not correct trace the blood lines that caried the last name Rangel before you or you’re parents and you’ll see where you’re blood,nationality,culture and name is really from so ya Kaitlyn try again.
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Have you even read any of these past post?
Just because he was born in Mexico doesn’t make the last name originated in Mexico. So yeah you need to try again
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Just because your grandpa came from Mexico as my parents and grandparents did does not mean it didn’t originate elsewhere hundreds of years ago like Germany/spain. I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss Marks info.
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Could that be because the name comes from Spain as Mark said? Rangel/Rengel is recorded widely in Spain, and it's far more likely that the Spanish brought the name to both Mexico and Texas (formerly part of Mexico) than the other way round. Nor does the fact that it is recorded widely in Spain mean it doesn't have a Franco-German origin — Spain has had a succession of Germanic rulers who brought a welter of Germanic names to Spain. Rengel appears to be one of them.
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